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Medical Services
Monadnock Community Hospital is the hub of a vibrant medical community, with exceptional primary care physicians, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and common medical services such as for childbirth, routine surgery, orthopedics and rehabilitation after major illnesses. The Hospital also staffs several departments specializing in the treatment of heart disease and cancer.
MCH has long recognized the importance to its patient community and primary care physicians of having easy access to a wide spectrum of specialty care physicians. There are full and part-time specialists practicing and providing care at MCH. These physicians are available to see patients on the MCH campus at established times during each week. Typically, these specialists are either affiliated with larger specialty hospitals or are part of private practice groups.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-10 18:44:19
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[post_date] => 2018-10-11 13:34:13
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-10-11 17:34:13
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[post_date] => 2018-07-12 09:52:34
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-07-12 13:52:34
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[0] => If a patient needs same day or short-term, in-patient surgery, MCH offers high quality, personalized medical care with Monadnock Surgical Associates (MSA). There are over 15 surgeons who perform a wide range of surgeries and three assisting anesthesiologists. Demand for surgical services has increased over the years, especially in orthopedics, which now represents 33% of all surgery at MCH. MCH also provides surgery in the areas of:
- Endoscopy/Colonoscopy
- General Surgery
- Orthopedics
- Pain Management
- Wound Healing Center
All staff in the OR and Central Sterile Processing are certified in their specialty signifying a commitment to excellence that contributes to patient care and safety.
All of our qualified operating room registered nurses and surgical technologists have their clinical specialty certification. Earning a specialty clinical credential is accomplished through study and preparation regime which culminates in a comprehensive exam of their mastery of a rigorous body of clinical knowledge. Clinical specialty credentialing not earned easily; it is also a mark of distinction and is a highly sought after personal as well as professional accomplishment.
Monadnock hospital operating nurses have also earned the distinction of CNOR strong in 2017 and 2018.
This staff of highly-skilled and compassionate perioperative nurses and surgical technologists are knowledgeable about the latest in surgical technologies and know how to operate high-tech equipment. Many of our registered nurses have lengthy tenures in the department.
Quality care is the first priority of this busy department and they must adhere to tight state and federal requirements. In addition to a stringent sterilization regimen, the department must comply with a lengthy list of environmental requirements. Measuring quality outcomes is an important part of the department’s numerous ongoing patient safety initiatives.
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[0] => Explore high-quality, personalized surgical care at Monadnock Community Hospital. With over 15 skilled surgeons and a dedicated clinical staff, we offer a range of surgical services, including orthopedics, endoscopy, general surgery, OB/GYN, ophthalmology, pain management, podiatry, varicose vein removal, and wound center services.
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[0] => Medical Arts Building Suite 107
454 Old Street Road
Peterborough, NH 03458
Phone: 603-924-4668
Fax: 603-924-4669
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[0] => "Received care here for a minor surgical procedure. Everyone I encountered was friendly and efficient. Building is clean and well appointed. Procedure went well and the team that worked with me made me feel very cared for." - Amy
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[0] => "All the nurses treated me well. The doctors were always available to talk to me post surgery. Hopefully I don't have any more trips to the ER but if I do end up in the Peterbourgh ER I will feel safe" -Matt
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[0] => "I was admitted for a one night stay because of elective surgery. I spent my day/night in the OB floor. The nurses were wonderful and the food was surprisingly good. I am very impressed." -L
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[0] => "It’s easy to forget how lucky we are to have Monadnock Community Hospital here in Peterborough. Around the country local hospitals are closing and people are left traveling long distances for routine and emergency care. I recently had surgery at MCH and can’t stop raving about the amazing care I received. From the pre-surgery appointments and tests, to the surgery to the 2 days in-patient recovering I was treated with kindness and professionalism every step of the way... I wish I knew the name of everyone who cared for me, I would like to thank each and every one of them. There are many I never met, working behind the scenes or during my surgery. The ones I did meet offered help, provided clear instructions and obviously cared deeply for their patients... Use their services whenever you can and thank their workers when you see them. Our local hospital and its workers are a vital community resource and what would we do without them??" - Lara
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