Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) In the News:

Ralph Donfro’s 911 call for a rapid heartbeat led to a unique healthcare experience at Monadnock Community Hospital. Rather than sending him home, the hospital referred him to their Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) program. The following day, a paramedic, Joshua Patrick, visited Donfro at home, addressing his medical and social needs comprehensively. MIH programs, like the one at this New Hampshire hospital, are on the rise, offering care beyond emergencies. They have been shown to improve health outcomes, reduce emergency service usage, and lower healthcare costs. Community paramedics appreciate the chance to see the impact they make.
Read more: Community Paramedicine: Local Medical Program Offers New Kind of House Call

Monadnock Community Hospital’s Mobile Integrated Health Care (MIH) team provides critical medical services outside of the hospital setting. They offer diagnostic services, including physical assessments and specimen collections, coordinating with patients’ primary care physicians. This program is particularly beneficial for patients who are housebound or unable to travel. The hospital’s comprehensive MIH program has received positive feedback, with patients like Sam Zachos praising the paramedics’ ability to provide care in the safety and comfort of their homes, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read more: Community Benefit Report from Foundation for Healthy Communities