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[0] => Monadnock Community Hospital is proud to announce the Patricia Boyd Nursing Scholarship, established in memory of Patricia Boyd, a beloved MCH employee and community leader. This scholarship reflects Patricia’s lifelong commitment to healthcare and service, providing financial support for MCH employees pursuing nursing certifications and advanced degrees.
The scholarship was born out of Bob Boyd’s profound appreciation for nurses who cared for him and his family after a life-altering accident. Reflecting on his experience, Bob said:
"It is the nurses that do the heavy lifting of the spirits and help with the wellbeing of the patients during most life-threatening times. Their compassion and care inspired me to create this scholarship to ensure others have the opportunity to advance their careers and serve their communities."
The Patricia Boyd Nursing Scholarship is funded through a $75,000 memorial gift from her husband, Bob Boyd, a longtime member of MCH’s Board of Trustees, and an annual $25,000 contribution from an anonymous donor. Together, their generosity empowers MCH employees to advance their careers, including Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) certifications and Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) degrees. By easing the financial burden of tuition, the Nursing Scholarship empowers our team to reach new heights in their careers and deliver even greater care to our patients.
“We are incredibly fortunate to have such wonderful employees who do so much for both our hospital and the wider community,” said Vicki Campanile, Vice President of Patient Care at MCH. “Their dedication and hard work are what make MCH special, and this scholarship, is a way to support and reward their efforts.”
In its inaugural year, the Patricia Boyd Nursing Scholarship awarded $52,500 to 13 deserving recipients. These scholarships support employees from various departments who are committed to advancing their skills and delivering compassionate, evidence-based care to the Monadnock region. By investing in our team, MCH ensures that patients receive the highest quality care. From new nurses starting their careers to experienced staff expanding their qualifications, each scholarship recipient brings renewed dedication and expertise to their work.
Join us in honoring Patricia Boyd’s legacy by contributing to our nursing scholarship. Your donation helps empower our nurses to achieve their professional goals while improving the health and well-being of our community. Visit MCHGiving.org or contact our Philanthropy Office at 603-924-1700 to make a difference today.
Together, we can continue to foster a culture of excellence and compassion at Monadnock Community Hospital—one that elevates the health of our community for generations to come.

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