Join Us for the Rheum with a View: Unraveling the Mysteries of Autoimmunity Seminar

Welcome to Monadnock Community Hospital’s free Health and Wellness Seminars, where we’re dedicated to empowering our community with knowledge and fostering a life of wellness. Our seminars are designed to bridge the gap between medical expertise and everyday understanding, offering valuable insights into various wellness topics. Led by experienced healthcare professionals, wellness experts, educators, and community members, these seminars are an opportunity for you to take proactive steps toward a healthier lifestyle.

It’s crucial to take an active role in your health journey. Our speakers encourage questions, discussions, and shared experiences, fostering connections among like-minded individuals who all are dedicated to prioritizing their well-being. Whether you’re aiming to improve physical health, manage stress effectively, or enhance your overall quality of life, these seminars provide the necessary tools and support.

August Seminar

Dr Jonathan D Krant wearing a white lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck smiles at the camera The event details are displayed beside him with the title Rheum with a View Unraveling the Mysteries of Autoimmunity Seminar The background is teal with the Monadnock Community Hospital logo and the text Healthcare Excellence is Here

Join us on Wednesday, August 21, for a seminar on unraveling the mysteries of autoimmunity with Jonathan D. Krant, MD, FACP.

Discover the complexities of autoimmune diseases and explore effective strategies for managing these conditions at our Health and Wellness Seminar. Led by Dr. Jonathan D. Krant, a renowned expert in autoimmune diseases, this session will provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of autoimmune conditions and offer practical advice for treatment and management. Join us to deepen your understanding of autoimmune diseases and learn from an expert in the field.

Dr. Jonathan D. Krant is a distinguished specialist in autoimmune diseases, currently serving at Monadnock Community Hospital in Peterborough, NH. With extensive experience in treating autoimmune conditions, Dr. Krant is dedicated to providing clear and engaging explanations to help patients and the community understand these complex diseases. Beyond his medical practice, he actively participates in research and community education to promote awareness and effective management of autoimmune diseases.

Learn more about Dr. Jonathan D. Krant
Learn more about Monadnock Rheumatology Associates

Remember, your journey towards wellness begins with a single step, and these seminars are your opportunity to take that step toward a healthier, happier life.

Stay well,

Monadnock Community Hospital