Join Us for the Common Shoulder Problems and Simple At-Home Solutions Seminar

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Welcome to Monadnock Community Hospital’s free Health and Wellness Seminars, where we’re dedicated to empowering our community with knowledge and fostering a life of wellness. Our seminars are designed to bridge the gap between medical expertise and everyday understanding, offering valuable insights into various wellness topics. Led by experienced healthcare professionals, wellness experts, and educators, these seminars are an opportunity for you to take proactive steps toward a healthier lifestyle.

It’s crucial to take an active role in your health journey. Our speakers encoue questions, discussions, and shared experiences, fostering connections among like-minded individuals who are all dedicated to prioritizing their well-being. Whether you’re aiming to improve physical health, manage stress effectively, or enhance your overall quality of life, these seminars provide the necessary tools and support.

Health and Wellness Seminars Common Shoulder Problems and Simple At Home Solutions

Common Shoulder Problems and Simple At-Home Solutions Seminar: Thursday, October 12, 5:30 – 6:30 PM

Dr. Harrington has been this community’s Physiatrist and Musculoskeletal Specialist at Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates for the past two decades. He will review common shoulder pains we all experience, some options for self-care, and reasons to seek medical consultation. This workshop is directed toward anyone with interest in or personal experience with shoulder pain, whether from wear-and-tear, an old injury, athletics, or aging. Interactive discussion is welcome.

Dr. Harrington’s practice as a board-certified Musculoskeletal Physician is grounded in thorough diagnostic evaluation and treatment with 20 years of experience. He seeks to define a problem and then offers options and choices to guide patients toward a course of treatment all parties can agree on, leading to the best possible outcome. Recognizing that not every first choice leads to success, he establishes plans with patients that help bring about their goals.

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To join the seminar, Click Here to Register or give us a call at (603) 924-4699 x1110.

We encourage you to save the date and stay tuned for updates on our lineup of speakers and session topics. Let’s work together to unlock the power of healthy living and empower ourselves for a future of wellness.

Remember, your journey towards wellness begins with a single step, and these seminars are your opportunity to take that step toward a healthier, happier life.


Stay well,