Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) Membership

Mount Monadnock with extensive fall foliage reflected in a large lake
Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) Membership

Patient and Family Members Working Together to Make a Difference!

Membership is comprised of patients, family members, and MCH staff.

Volunteer members serve a 2-year term and meet monthly to work on improvement projects, such as:

  • Drafting or editing patient handouts for better patient understanding
  • Artwork or design input
  • Troubleshooting wayfinding and directions
  • Identifying communication gaps between care teams and their patients

Interested in Joining the PFAC?

We are looking for members who are solution-focused and committed to progress. We are actively seeking as much diversity as possible in order to truly represent our community, including race, gender, LGBTQ+, disability, working-age members, non-healthcare careers, diversity of socioeconomic status, and more.  There is a limited number of seats available, with candidates considered as needed for available openings

PFAC Application

Below is the application to volunteer for the MCH Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC). There are a limited number of seats available. If selected, Patient and Family Advisor (PFA) terms are for two years. The general obligation is to participate in a monthly meeting, with additional time as needed for projects; at least two hours per month.

I am a:(Required)
check all that apply
Example: lab, x-ray, primary care, emergency room, etc.
If you are not selected to be a PFA, or no seats are currently available, are you interested in being contacted for other MCH volunteer opportunities?(Required)
(Response Optional)

For More Information Contact:

Molly Rajaniemi, Patient Experience Coordinator
603-924-4699 ext. 1038,