Community Spotlight: Breaking Mental Health Stigma in the Monadnock Region with Be the Change

Four individuals standing together in a grassy field, facing away from the camera with their hands raised in unity as the sun sets behind them. The 'Be the Change Behavioral Health Task Force' logo is displayed on the left side, featuring a dragonfly and a landscape icon, symbolizing collective action and support for mental health
Community Spotlight: Breaking Mental Health Stigma in the Monadnock Region with Be the Change

Be the Change: Together for Mental Health, Together for Hope

In the heart of New Hampshire’s Monadnock region, a powerful movement has helped to transform how the community approaches mental health and substance use disorders. The Be the Change-Behavioral Health Task Force, is an initiative born from Monadnock Community Hospital’s (MCH) commitment to holistic well-being, and is leading the charge in dismantling stigma and fostering a culture of understanding and support.

The Birth of Be the Change

Established in response to MCH’s 2012 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), Be the Change emerged as a resource to the region’s pressing mental health and substance use challenges. The initiative’s mission is twofold: to educate the community about essential resources while actively working to break down the barriers of stigma that often prevent individuals from seeking help.

Breaking Down Barriers Through Collaboration

One of Be the Change’s greatest strengths lies in its collaborative approach. The task force has forged partnerships with a diverse array of community stakeholders, including:

One of the most impactful partnerships has been the integration of the Be the Change initiative with the Healthy Monadnock Alliance, a regional effort to improve population health. Together, they have forged a truly regional collaboration that brings together schools, law enforcement agencies, and health organizations to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and substance use.

This comprehensive network allows Be the Change to address mental health challenges, recognizing the complex interplay between substance use disorder, economic factors, and personal trauma.

Tangible Impact and Real Stories

Cover page of the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript's 'Your Guide to Support Groups & Resources' in the Monadnock region. The title is bold and prominently displayed in black text on a blue background. At the bottom, there is a banner featuring Monadnock Community Hospital's logo, an image of the hospital, and information about medical services, with photos of healthcare professionalsThe work of Be the Change has yielded tangible results, with real-life stories highlighting its impact. One particularly moving example involves a parent who, after attending a Narcan training session hosted by the task force, was able to save their child from an overdose. Such stories vividly illustrate the life-saving potential of education and resource accessibility.

The initiative’s efforts to distribute a comprehensive Resource Guide in partnership with the Ledger Transcript has further expanded access to vital information and support services.

Ongoing Challenges and Future Focus

Despite significant progress, challenges persist. The prevalence of substance use among teens and the ongoing struggle against mental health stigma indicate that there is still work to be done. Be the Change remains committed to addressing these issues through continued education, outreach, and community engagement.

According to a CDC study in 2020, 40.9% of respondents reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral health condition, with 30.9% experiencing anxiety or depression symptoms. These national trends underscore the importance of local initiatives like Be the Change.

Recent statistics paint a sobering picture of the mental health landscape in the Monadnock region:

  • Over 30% of local teens reported feeling sad or hopeless for two consecutive weeks in 2019 and 2020
  • Nearly 20% of teens had seriously considered suicide
  • 25.3% of area teens reported using marijuana in 2019 and 2020
  • 2.8% had used methamphetamines

These figures, derived from the CHNA 2021, underscore the urgent need for initiatives like Be the Change, which aim to normalize conversations about mental health and provide clear pathways to care.

Infographic titled 'Prevalence of Mental and Behavioral Health Conditions' with a nature background and two sets of icons representing people. On the left, 40.9% of respondents are shown to have reported at least one adverse condition, and on the right, 30.9% experienced anxiety or depression. The graphic includes a dragonfly logo, symbolizing the Be the Change Behavioral Health Task Force, placed in the bottom left corner

A Community United for Change

By fostering open dialogue, providing crucial resources, and promoting a culture of understanding, Be the Change continues to pave the way for a healthier, more supportive Monadnock region. As the initiative continues to grow and evolve, it stands as a testament to the power of community collaboration in addressing complex social challenges.

Together, we can break the stigma surrounding mental health and substance use disorders, creating a brighter, more inclusive future for all residents of the Monadnock region.

How You Can Make a Difference

The success of Be the Change hinges on community involvement. Here’s how you can contribute to breaking mental health stigma in the Monadnock region:

  • Educate yourself about mental health and substance use disorders
  • Attend Be the Change events and training sessions
  • Share resources and information within your social networks
  • Volunteer with partner organizations
  • Advocate for mental health support in your workplace or school

For more information on how to get involved or learn about upcoming events, visit the Be the Change Facebook page or contact John Letendre, Continuum of Care Facilitator at Cheshire Medical Center, at (603) 354-5454 x2378.