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[post_title] => Blog - Your MCH Connection
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[ID] => 37141
[post_author] => 9192204
[post_date] => 2023-05-01 12:31:57
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-05-01 16:31:57
[post_content] => The Healing Arts Committee of Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH) is excited to announce the re-opening of the Healing Arts Gallery. The gallery reopens with an exhibit titled Monadnock which encompasses multiple interpretations of Mt. Monadnock. This exhibition hosts over 30 local artists as well as an engaging lasting mural installation by artist Lee Dunholter, titled The Mural. The Monadnock art show will be on display until September 8th.
The Healing Arts Gallery is very enthusiastic about the re-opening and plans to continue with quarterly art gallery shows featuring local artists. Thank you to all of the artists who have supported the gallery and its re-opening.
Please join us at the Healing Arts Gallery on June 3rd, from 11am to 2pm during the MCH 100th Anniversary Community Celebration Day as the gallery does a special unveiling of The Mural. Come and meet the artist, Lee Dunholter. Healing Arts Gallery hopes that you will support our local artists and this venture…. see you at the Gallery!
The Healing Arts Gallery was created to host a venue for artists to exhibit in varied mediums, resulting in a visual experience which promotes the proven healing and restorative benefits of art. The Healing Arts Gallery is located at Monadnock Community Hospital adjacent to the Emergency Services Department entrance. The gallery is open to all.
[post_title] => The Healing Arts Gallery at Monadnock Community Hospital Reopens With a New Exhibition Titled Monadnock
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[ID] => 37277
[post_author] => 9192204
[post_date] => 2023-03-02 11:01:32
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-03-02 16:01:32
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[post_title] => Video: Total and Partial Knee Replacement Seminar with Dr. W. Bradley White and Dr. Vache Hambardzumyan 2023
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[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-15 17:00:28
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[ID] => 37795
[post_author] => 9192204
[post_date] => 2023-03-01 09:23:54
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-03-01 14:23:54
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Welcome Andrea Bentley-Melle to Monadnock Family Care
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[ID] => 36772
[post_author] => 9192204
[post_date] => 2023-02-07 11:55:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-02-07 16:55:00
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Video: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Seminar with Dr. W. Bradley White 2023
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[ID] => 37801
[post_author] => 9192204
[post_date] => 2023-01-01 09:48:31
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-01-01 14:48:31
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[post_title] => Welcome Dr. Sara Luczkiewicz to Antrim Medical Group
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[ID] => 36014
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2022-12-07 12:16:52
[post_date_gmt] => 2022-12-07 17:16:52
[post_content] => Media Contacts:
Monika O’Clair, Huggins Hospital VP of Strategy & Community Relations
Lauren Collins-Cline, CMC Director of Communications & PR
Laura Gingras, Monadnock Community Hospital VP of Philanthropy & Community Relations
The boards of GraniteOne Health (GOH) members – Catholic Medical Center (CMC), Huggins Hospital (Huggins), and Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH) – have voted to withdraw from GOH and dissolve the system. The long-standing clinical partnerships these hospitals share will continue, providing patients throughout the state access to high-quality specialty care, technologies, and resources close to home.
“We strongly value the relationships among our organizations,” said CMC CEO Alex Walker. “We have strengthened our clinical partnerships and grown to meet our patients’ needs. But with growth comes change and each hospital’s current needs have changed since GOH was created. CMC remains dedicated to supporting rural health care and will remain a partner of Monadnock Community Hospital and Huggins Hospital.”
Over the years, and especially since 2020, each hospital has been faced with challenges both universal to the healthcare industry and unique to their organizations. These have included staffing shortages, the need to grow different specialties, and the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
“Throughout our time with GOH, Huggins Hospital has continued to grow and require more specialty services to meet the needs of our community,” said Huggins President & CEO Jeremy Roberge, CPA. “Within GOH, each partner has had to focus internally and manage its growth independently. We believe it is best to dissolve GOH so we can increase that focus on our local needs and decide what is best for each of our organizations.”
“A lot has changed in the past 5 years and our Board of Trustees has begun a strategic planning process to look at our needs today and chart the path forward,” said Monadnock President & CEO Cynthia McGuire. “Our focus is on how we can deliver accessible, high-quality, valued-based care as we enter our second century of caring for our community. With the current challenges we are all facing in healthcare across the nation, we have confidence there will be benefit in evaluating new strategies for our future outside of GOH.”
GOH will file the necessary paperwork with the Charitable Trust Unit of the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office early in 2023, after which there will be more information available and opportunity for public comment.
[post_title] => Hospital Boards Vote on Future of Granite One Health
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[post_author] => 9192204
[post_date] => 2022-12-01 09:48:28
[post_date_gmt] => 2022-12-01 14:48:28
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Welcome Dr. Alexander Kovanko to Jaffrey Family Medicine
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[post_date] => 2022-11-01 09:48:24
[post_date_gmt] => 2022-11-01 13:48:24
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[post_title] => Welcome Dr. Erica A Boheen to Monadnock Regional Pediatrics
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[post_author] => 9192204
[post_date] => 2022-07-01 18:59:17
[post_date_gmt] => 2022-07-01 22:59:17
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => MCH Fall Foliage Golf Classic 2022
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[post_author] => 9192204
[post_date] => 2022-04-27 16:18:55
[post_date_gmt] => 2022-04-27 20:18:55
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[post_title] => A Legacy of Leadership and Vision: We Remember Dorothy Peterson
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[post_date] => 2022-04-26 16:49:55
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[post_title] => Understanding MCH’s Financial Health: A Snapshot of Our 2021 Fiscal Year
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[post_date] => 2022-04-24 08:49:39
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[post_title] => Key Statistics 2022
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[post_author] => 9192204
[post_date] => 2023-05-01 12:31:57
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-05-01 16:31:57
[post_content] => The Healing Arts Committee of Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH) is excited to announce the re-opening of the Healing Arts Gallery. The gallery reopens with an exhibit titled Monadnock which encompasses multiple interpretations of Mt. Monadnock. This exhibition hosts over 30 local artists as well as an engaging lasting mural installation by artist Lee Dunholter, titled The Mural. The Monadnock art show will be on display until September 8th.
The Healing Arts Gallery is very enthusiastic about the re-opening and plans to continue with quarterly art gallery shows featuring local artists. Thank you to all of the artists who have supported the gallery and its re-opening.
Please join us at the Healing Arts Gallery on June 3rd, from 11am to 2pm during the MCH 100th Anniversary Community Celebration Day as the gallery does a special unveiling of The Mural. Come and meet the artist, Lee Dunholter. Healing Arts Gallery hopes that you will support our local artists and this venture…. see you at the Gallery!
The Healing Arts Gallery was created to host a venue for artists to exhibit in varied mediums, resulting in a visual experience which promotes the proven healing and restorative benefits of art. The Healing Arts Gallery is located at Monadnock Community Hospital adjacent to the Emergency Services Department entrance. The gallery is open to all.
[post_title] => The Healing Arts Gallery at Monadnock Community Hospital Reopens With a New Exhibition Titled Monadnock
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[post_title] => Key Statistics 2022
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[0] => Review the detailed statistical report for Monadnock Community Hospital. Insights into our operations, patient care, and community impact in 2022.
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[0] => An overview of MCH’s key statistics, highlighting the hospital’s activities and services provided in the last fiscal year.
Overnight Admissions |
1,042 |
Births |
307 |
Emergency Room Visits |
12,550 |
Surgical Cases |
1,356 |
Endoscopy Procedures |
664 |
Imaging Exams |
29,363 |
Lab Tests |
181,496 |
Physical, Occupational, and Speech Procedures |
56,739 |
Physician Practice Visits |
76,802 |
Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH) remains steadfast in our commitment to providing exceptional healthcare services to our community. The following key statistics offer an in-depth look at the breadth and depth of our hospital's activities and services over the past fiscal year, illustrating our dedication to patient care and community health.
Overnight Admissions: 1,042
Our hospital provided care for 1,042 overnight admissions, ensuring patients received the necessary treatment and monitoring for a wide range of medical conditions.
Births: 307
We had the joy of welcoming 307 new lives into the world, with our skilled obstetrics team supporting mothers and families through safe and healthy deliveries.
Emergency Room Visits: 12,550
Our Emergency Room (ER) managed 12,550 visits, providing urgent and lifesaving care for a variety of medical emergencies, from minor injuries to critical conditions.
Surgical Cases: 1,356
MCH performed 1,356 surgical procedures, encompassing a wide array of specialties and complex cases. Our surgical team is dedicated to delivering the highest standards of surgical care.
Endoscopy Procedures: 664
Our gastroenterology department conducted 664 endoscopy procedures, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal conditions.
Imaging Exams: 29,363
With 29,363 imaging exams performed, our radiology department played a crucial role in diagnosing and monitoring various medical conditions using state-of-the-art imaging technology.
Lab Tests: 181,496
Our laboratory processed an impressive 181,496 lab tests, providing critical data to inform accurate diagnoses and treatment plans for our patients.
Physical, Occupational, and Speech Procedures: 56,739
Our rehabilitation services, including physical, occupational, and speech therapy, conducted 56,739 procedures to help patients regain and improve their functional abilities.
Physician Practice Visits: 76,802
With 76,802 physician practice visits, our outpatient services ensured that community members had access to essential primary and specialty care, maintaining overall health and managing chronic conditions.
These statistics underscore our unwavering commitment to delivering comprehensive healthcare services to our community. Monadnock Community Hospital continues to strive for excellence, embracing innovation, and supporting the health and well-being of our patients. We are proud to serve our community and look forward to continuing to provide exceptional care in the years to come.
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