At The Birthing Suite, you decide how you want to experience birth. We offer a full range of comfort techniques and options for labor and birth, including:
- Nitrous oxide, epidural anesthesia and other pain management options
- Vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC)
- Heat therapy
- Soaking tub
- Rain room
- Birthing ball
- Birthing stool
- Squatting bar
And of course, we welcome your spouse or partner to share this precious experience with you, too
Comfort Techniques and Options
Every woman experiences labor and pain differently. At the Birthing Suite, we can help you choose the options that are best for you at that time. We provide comfort techniques and medications for pain including:
- Birthing ball
- Birthing stool
- Heat therapy
- Music
- Quiet lighting
- Walking
- Laboring in water
- Medication for pain relief
- Nitrous Oxide (PDF)
Labor in Water
Warm water from a shower or tub can help you relax and can reduce your pain and pressure during labor. In addition, water’s buoyancy in a tub can help you more easily adjust your position to stay as comfortable as possible during labor. Water labor has been a safe and non-traditional method of delivery that is supported by local obstetricians and pediatricians. Women have had water labor at MCH since 1992. MCH was the first hospital in New England and the fourth in the United States to offer women this option. The hospital is known nationally and internationally for the use of water as a comfort measure for labor.
If you are interested in water labor, we encourage you to talk to your doctor prior to your delivery date about the benefits and risks of both of these options.
Medication for Pain Relief
The Birthing Suite is one of the only hospitals in the Monadnock Region to offer a full range of anesthesiology options. Our Board Certified Anesthesiologists are available 24-hours a day to provide you with either Epidural or Intrathecal Anesthesia. In addition, you can also choose other pain relieving medications that are safe for labor. We encourage you to discuss all pain relief options with your doctor prior to delivery.
NEW! Monadnock Community Hospital: Nitrous oxide now available at The Birthing Suite.
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section (VBAC) is performed at MCH. Your doctor will discuss with you whether or not a VBAC is a safe option for your circumstances.