b'FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS -FAQs How long will I be incapacitated?Most people need 6 weeks or longer to recover. The type of surgery that has been performed will depend on how much time you will need to recover. You may need to limit activity until your shoulder strength and range of motion are back to normal.You will likely be referred to a Physical Therapist after surgery. Managing with your arm in a sling:The sling is to be worn for comfort and sleeping. Activity will be limited with your arm in the sling. It is advised you work on active elbow, wrist and digit motion frequently.Passive motion may be performed in the operative shoulder.You will be referred to a physical therapist. Your surgeon will advise you as to how long you will need to wear the sling. The sling may be removed for bathing.It is important to wear the sling to allow the shoulder to rest so it can heal properly and efficiently. How do I care for my shoulder after surgery?After surgery you will likely feel tired for several days.Your shoulder will be swollen and discolored from surgery (bruising).These are all normal and will go away after a few days. Intermittent icing of your shoulder with the Cryo-Cuff you were sent home with will help alleviate some pain and help reduce swelling in your shoulder.While icing your shoulder be sure to keep the incision site dry by placing a towel between your skin and the Cryo-Cuff.Monadnock Community Hospital Joint Replacement Program | TSA Tab 102 https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/services/rehabilitation/moa-surgery/'