b'4. Do not actively use your surgical shoulder.Avoid pushing, pulling, or lifting with that arm, such as to open or close a door.Avoid reaching overhead, to the side, behind your back, or across your chest. Also take care to avoid fast or jerking movements. You should not allow your elbow to move backwards, past your ribs. When lying down, support your upper arm with a pillow to keep it from moving backward. To get out of bed, roll onto your good side. Then use your non-operative arm to push yourself up into a sitting position. 5. At first, you may find it more comfortable to sleep in a recliner. However, you may also sleep in a bed with a folded towel or sheet propped up behind your shoulder and upper arm for support. 6. Gentle use of your elbow, wrist, and hand on your operated arm is okay as long as your arm is at your side and you keep your elbow in front of you.Your precautions may be different depending on your surgeon or rehab facility. Be sure to follow the instructions your health care team gives you. If you have any questions about which positions and movements to avoid, contact your healthcare provider.If any questions arise, please call the office at 603-924-2144.Monadnock Community Hospital Joint Replacement Program | TSA Tab 92 https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/services/rehabilitation/moa-surgery/'