Nourish Your Heart & Your Knowledge: Watch the "Perspectives on Cardiac Health" Seminar Now!
February is American Heart Month, a time to focus on cardiovascular health and embrace habits that promote a strong, healthy heart.
Here at Monadnock Community Hospital, we're committed to empowering you with the knowledge and tools you need to prioritize your well-being. That's why we hosted a dynamic seminar, "Perspectives on Cardiac Health: Nourishing Your Heart," featuring expert speakers Kaitlyn McCarthy, RDN, LD, CDCES, and Liz Peters, RN, ACSM EP-C.
In this informative session, you'll discover:
Essential aspects of maintaining a healthy heart: Learn about the crucial role of nutrition in cardiovascular wellness, with Kaitlyn guiding you through the impact of fiber, sodium, fat, and cholesterol on your heart health.
Understanding your body's messages: Liz will share valuable insights on body awareness and the importance of recognizing the subtle cues your body sends. Discover how to monitor your health and integrate movement and exercise for optimal heart health.
Practical tips and strategies: Gain valuable knowledge and actionable steps from both Kaitlyn and Liz, leaving you empowered to make informed choices and cultivate a heart-healthy lifestyle.
We're excited to share the full video recording of the seminar with you! Watch it now to gain valuable insights and empower yourself to take charge of your heart health.
Learn more about Cardiac Rehab
At Monadnock Community Hospital, we are dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of our community. This seminar is just one way we strive to elevate the health of our community by providing accessible, high-quality care.
Background audio: Ten Minutes of Ambient Piano Relaxation by Music_For_Videosfrom Pixabay
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