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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-05-07 19:40:57
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[post_date_gmt] => 2022-02-16 12:02:48
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[0] => Meet Dr. Brian Kwitkin, a skilled general surgeon and member of our dedicated surgical team. Dr. Kwitkin is a board-certified general surgeon and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, with extensive experience in general and acute care surgery. Following his surgical training at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, New Jersey, he went on to complete a Mastery in General Surgery Fellowship in Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Kwitkin has also served as a Surgical Clerkship Director and Clinical Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine. Specializing in laparoscopic and minimally invasive procedures, Dr. Kwitkin addresses a variety of conditions, from abdominal wall hernias to wound care.
Dr. Kwitkin's passion for medicine and education extends beyond the operating room. Before receiving his MD from Ross University School of Medicine, he completed his BS in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Florida followed by a MS in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Miami.
When he is not working, Dr. Kwitkin enjoys spending time with his family, including his three young children, and staying active by skiing, hiking, and attending sporting events. We are proud to have Dr. Kwitkin as part of our outstanding surgical team.
Dr. Kwitkin's expertise and commitment enhance our community-focused healthcare at Monadnock Community Hospital, ensuring accessible, high-quality care for all.
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[0] => Dr Kwitkin, General Surgery, monadnock surgical associates
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[0] => Restoring Strength and Confidence: Hiyam’s Journey
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[0] => 
Dr. Brian Kwitkin, board-certified general surgeon, arrived at Monadnock Surgical Associates in 2023, and he is already having a positive impact on our community, and on the lives of people like Hiyam Makarios.
When the former high school teacher from Rindge became concerned by a painful bulge in her belly, she went to the Emergency Department at Monadnock Community Hospital. Our expert team diagnosed her with an umbilical (or belly button) hernia and referred her to Monadnock Surgical Associates.
“Dr. Kwitkin’s temperament was so calming which gave me confidence that I was in great hands. He showed me exactly what my condition was, explained how he was going to fix it, and answered all of my questions,” Hiyam says.
One benefit of having her surgery close to home was that Hiyam had connections to members of her care team. She explains, “One of the nurses is the mother of a former student of mine!” And she made new connections. “It turned out that my anesthesiologist is originally from Canada, just like me, so we were able to converse in French.” Hiyam praises the entire team for her exceptional care. “It’s because of Dr. Kwitkin and his nurses that I have been able to strengthen my stomach muscles and return to my normal life. Everything was perfect and I am proud to say Dr. Kwitkin was my surgeon.”
“Everything was perfect and I am proud to say Dr. Kwitkin was my surgeon.”
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