Heartfelt Stories – Samantha’s Health Journey at MCH

A smiling woman with blonde hair standing outside near a brick wall, with a backdrop of natural scenery, reflecting a friendly and approachable demeanor.
Heartfelt Stories - Samantha's Health Journey at MCH
How MCH Diagnosed and Treated Samantha's Congestive Heart Failure

Heartfelt Stories

At Monadnock Community Hospital, we are proud to share our Heartfelt Stories featuring inspiring testimonials from our patients, employees, volunteers, donors, and community members. Each story reflects the exceptional care, support, and compassion that define our commitment to our community. Join us in celebrating these remarkable journeys and the difference compassionate care can make.

Samantha Krook's Experience with Compassionate Heart Care at MCH

Samantha Krook knew something wasn’t quite right. A few days after Thanksgiving, the 26-year-old New Ipswich resident noticed her feet and ankles were swelling and she was having difficulty breathing. “I thought it was odd, so I reached out to Annette Brooks, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse at Monadnock Internal Medicine,” says Samantha. “She ordered some tests, and I had an ultrasound and CT scan, both of which came back normal. At this point, I had gained close to 15 pounds and the swelling had continued to get worse.”

An echocardiogram was then ordered, which revealed a couple of abnormalities. Samantha was referred to Dr. Jonathan Eddinger, a lipidologist at MCH, who diagnosed her with congestive heart failure. “I’m not sure what I expected but this was definitely not it,” says Samantha. “I was prescribed medication and a transesophageal echocardiogram was performed at Catholic Medical Center, which came back normal. As of right now, the cause of my condition is still a bit of a mystery, but I am so blessed to be healthy and so thankful for my doctors.”

One thing that’s not a mystery is how she feels about Monadnock Community Hospital. “I would highly recommend MCH to anyone. I was blown away by my care here. I genuinely felt my health was important to each of my providers and getting me the help I needed was a priority.”

Heartfelt praise, indeed.

Monadnock Internal Medicine