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[0] => Your blood vessels are vital lifelines, and when they struggle, so can you. At Monadnock Community Hospital's Vascular Services, our dedicated team of specialists provides expert diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of blood vessel disorders beyond the heart.
From minimally invasive procedures to advanced surgeries, we offer comprehensive care for conditions including:
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm: We expertly manage weakened abdominal aortas, preventing potentially life-threatening ruptures.
- Carotid artery disease: Ensure vital blood flow to your brain by treating narrowed carotid arteries and minimizing stroke risk.
- Peripheral artery disease: Improve circulation and alleviate leg pain with solutions for narrowed leg arteries.
- Vein disorders: Get relief from varicose veins and other venous issues, restoring both function and aesthetics.
- Dialysis access: We provide reliable vascular access for patients requiring dialysis treatment.
Our patient-centered approach ensures you receive:
- Personalized care: We tailor treatment plans to your specific needs and recovery goals.
- Advanced technology: We utilize the latest minimally invasive techniques for faster recovery times and reduced discomfort.
- Compassionate support: Our dedicated team guides you through every step of your treatment journey.
Don't let vascular issues control your life. Take charge of your health with expert care close to home. Contact Monadnock Community Hospital's Vascular Services today to schedule a consultation.
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Medical Arts Building Suite 107
454 Old Street Road
Peterborough, NH 03458
Phone: 603-924-4668
Fax: 603-924-4669
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