b'Is my new joint infected? Signs of infection include:Persistent fever (100 degrees), shaking or chills, increased redness/tenderness/swelling of wound, drainage from wound, and increasing pain with activity and rest.Do I have a blood clot?Signs of a blood clot include:Pain in leg or calf that is unrelated to incision, tenderness or redness above or below knee, and increasing swelling in calf, ankle or foot.How long will my knee hurt and be swollen?Pain after joint replacement usually decreases rapidly during the first month.Occasionally you will have a dull ache in that joint after a long walk, or longer duration of physical activity.There may also be pain when you initially stand up and take a few steps that may be present for a while after surgery.This will eventually lessen over time. Swelling in the knee usually increases during the first few days home after surgery. This is improved by elevating the feet elevated above the heart each day. Swelling is generally worse in the evenings and is increased by exercise or increase in movement throughout the day. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, many people experience moderate to severe swelling in the first few days or weeks after surgery and mild to moderate swelling for 3 to 6 months after surgery. Notify your doctor of any new or severe swelling as it could be a warning sign of a blood clot.Monadnock Community Hospital Joint Replacement Program | THA Tab 104'