b'PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT (PA)PRE-OPERATION VISITPre-Operation Appointment in Orthopedics Date: ____________________ Time: ________ This appointment will happen anywhere from 2-4 weeks before surgery. This visit is to review your primary care physicians office notes regarding medical clearance for surgery and to review labs.The surgical procedure and risks are reviewed in detail, as well as a typical stay in the hospital and expected recovery. Your home medications, including herbal and vitamin supplements will be reviewed along with medication allergies. Medications that should be continued or withheld prior to the surgery are addressed.Your cardiologist or PCP will review your blood thinners (Coumadin, Warfarin, Eliquis) and when to stop before surgery and what to do in the meantime. oYou and your physician assistant will review your blood thinner action plan. Let your physicians assistant know about any herbal or vitamin supplements you may be taking.You will review the consent form for the surgical procedure and sign, if appropriate.This is an excellent opportunity for you to ask questions in regards to the surgical procedure, recovery, expectations, and any restrictions as appropriate.Any employer paperwork such as short-term disability or medical leave should be addressed during this visit. Answer all last- minute questions. Monadnock Community Hospital Joint Replacement Program | THA Tab 61'