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[post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-20 14:31:28 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?p=39928 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [1] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 39918 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2025-03-13 14:25:02 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-03-13 18:25:02 [post_content] => [post_title] => Welcome New Medical Staff 2025 [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => new-medical-staff-2025 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-13 14:41:46 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-13 18:41:46 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?p=39918 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [2] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 39796 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2025-02-10 12:17:06 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-02-10 17:17:06 [post_content] => [post_title] => 5 Tips to Improve Your Heart Health During Heart Health Month [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => heart-health-tips-5-steps-for-a-healthy-heart [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-19 08:41:22 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-19 13:41:22 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/wellness-wednesday-copy/ [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [3] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 39698 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2025-01-08 09:56:23 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-08 14:56:23 [post_content] => [post_title] => Take Charge of Your Heart: Preventing Heart Disease in February [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => heart-health-month-prevention-tips-2025 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-19 08:47:36 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-19 13:47:36 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?p=39698 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [4] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 39390 [post_author] => 2 [post_date] => 2024-11-04 16:26:45 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-11-04 21:26:45 [post_content] => REGISTER FOR: Women’s Guide to Cardiovascular Wellness Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025 Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Location: Bond Wellness Center, 458 Old Street Road, Peterborough, NH 03458 Presenter: Dr. Robert Spencer of Monadnock Cardiology Associates Dr. Spencer will cover unique cardiovascular risks for women, early warning signs, and proactive heart health strategies, including lifestyle changes and the latest treatments, aimed at preventing heart disease and effectively managing existing conditions. [post_title] => Women’s Guide to Cardiovascular Wellness [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => womens-guide-to-cardiovascular-wellness [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-27 11:20:43 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-27 16:20:43 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=39390 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => tribe_events [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [5] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 39401 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2024-10-04 18:18:14 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-04 22:18:14 [post_content] => [post_title] => Welcome Dr. Robert D. Spencer to Monadnock Community Hospital [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => welcome-robert-spencer [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-27 11:19:12 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-27 16:19:12 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/welcome-michael-gilbert-copy/ [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [6] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 39062 [post_author] => 9192192 [post_date] => 2024-09-17 10:58:37 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-17 14:58:37 [post_content] =>Mark your calendars! Monadnock Community Hospital is excited to announce the arrival of Dr. Robert Spencer and Nurse Practitioner Brooke O’Connor at the new Monadnock Cardiology Associates practice!
Join us at the open house to learn more:
Date: October 18th
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Location: Monadnock Cardiology Associates, Monadnock Community Hospital, 452 Old Street Road, Peterborough, NH 03458
Contact: 603-924-7191
We’re excited to offer you the opportunity to tour our state-of-the-art facilities and learn more about our comprehensive heart care services. Whether you’re seeking information about your own heart health or looking to meet our new cardiology team, this event is the perfect opportunity. Bring your questions, enjoy some refreshments, and connect with the community. We look forward to seeing you there!
[post_title] => Monadnock Cardiology Associates Open House [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => monadnock-cardiology-associates-open-house [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-27 11:21:45 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-27 16:21:45 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=39062 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => tribe_events [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [7] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 38356 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2024-07-31 14:40:39 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-31 18:40:39 [post_content] => [post_title] => In the News: Amid Cardiologist Shortage, MCH to Open Its Own Cardiology Department [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => cardiology-department-240731 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-27 11:25:13 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-27 16:25:13 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/mch-summer-splash-article-240718-copy/ [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [8] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 38397 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2024-07-16 08:38:41 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-16 12:38:41 [post_content] => [post_title] => Important Update Regarding Cardiology Services at Monadnock Community Hospital [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => update-cardiology-2407 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-27 11:21:31 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-27 16:21:31 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?p=38397 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [9] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 38346 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2023-05-15 10:52:06 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-05-15 14:52:06 [post_content] => [post_title] => Heartfelt Stories - Cause for Celebration: Garry Peyton's Story [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => patient-stories-peyton-2022 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-22 09:55:40 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-22 13:55:40 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?p=38346 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [10] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 38864 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2013-04-15 15:11:57 [post_date_gmt] => 2013-04-15 19:11:57 [post_content] => [post_title] => Heartfelt Stories - Mark's Journey to Heart Health and Recovery [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => patient-stories-stevens-2013 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-22 15:17:47 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-22 19:17:47 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/patient-stories-delpapa-2024-copy/ [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) ) [post_count] => 11 [current_post] => -1 [before_loop] => [in_the_loop] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 39928 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2025-03-19 17:49:56 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-03-19 21:49:56 [post_content] => [post_title] => Video: Women’s Guide to Cardiovascular Wellness Seminar [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => womens-cardiovascular-wellness-video-2025 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-20 10:31:28 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-20 14:31:28 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?p=39928 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [comment_count] => 0 [current_comment] => -1 [found_posts] => 11 [max_num_pages] => 1 [max_num_comment_pages] => 0 [is_single] => [is_preview] => [is_page] => [is_archive] => 1 [is_date] => [is_year] => [is_month] => [is_day] => [is_time] => [is_author] => [is_category] => [is_tag] => 1 [is_tax] => [is_search] => [is_feed] => [is_comment_feed] => [is_trackback] => [is_home] => [is_privacy_policy] => [is_404] => [is_embed] => [is_paged] => [is_admin] => [is_attachment] => [is_singular] => [is_robots] => [is_favicon] => [is_posts_page] => [is_post_type_archive] => [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => 6bbd10f3e5f53831aa0ac91d9a30a98b [query_vars_changed:WP_Query:private] => 1 [thumbnails_cached] => [allow_query_attachment_by_filename:protected] => [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => query_vars_hash [1] => query_vars_changed ) [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => init_query_flags [1] => parse_tax_query ) [tribe_is_event] => [tribe_is_multi_posttype] => [tribe_is_event_category] => [tribe_is_event_venue] => [tribe_is_event_organizer] => [tribe_is_event_query] => [tribe_is_past] => [tribe_is_event_pro_query] => 1 [tribe_is_week] => [tribe_is_photo] => [tribe_is_map] => [tribe_is_recurrence_list] => [tribe_controller] => Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Query\Event_Query_Controller Object ( [filtering_query:Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Query\Event_Query_Controller:private] => WP_Query Object *RECURSION* ) )WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 38864 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2013-04-15 15:11:57 [post_date_gmt] => 2013-04-15 19:11:57 [post_content] => [post_title] => Heartfelt Stories - Mark's Journey to Heart Health and Recovery [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => patient-stories-stevens-2013 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-22 15:17:47 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-22 19:17:47 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/patient-stories-delpapa-2024-copy/ [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw )
Array ( [_yoast_indexnow_last_ping] => Array ( [0] => 1724354268 [1] => 1724354268 ) [_edit_lock] => Array ( [0] => 1725998003:9192204 ) [_edit_last] => Array ( [0] => 9192204 ) [_thumbnail_id] => Array ( [0] => 38865 ) [page_sections] => Array ( [0] => a:5:{i:0;s:4:"hero";i:1;s:7:"wysiwyg";i:2;s:7:"wysiwyg";i:3;s:9:"post_grid";i:4;s:7:"wysiwyg";} ) [_page_sections] => Array ( [0] => field_5a74c7ee071c2 ) [_yoast_wpseo_primary_category] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [_yoast_wpseo_inclusive_language_score] => Array ( [0] => 90 ) [_yoast_wpseo_estimated-reading-time-minutes] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_yoast_wpseo_wordproof_timestamp] => Array ( [0] => ) [_wp_old_date] => Array ( [0] => 2024-05-07 [1] => 2024-07-18 ) [_yoast_wpseo_metadesc] => Array ( [0] => Discover the story of Mark Stevens, whose life was saved thanks to the attentive care of Dr. Fay Migotsky at Rindge Family Practice, a Monadnock Community Hospital affiliate. ) [page_sections_1_section_title] => Array ( [0] => Heartfelt Stories ) [_page_sections_1_section_title] => Array ( [0] => field_5ada5134d3021 ) [page_sections_1_wysiwyg] => Array ( [0] =>At Monadnock Community Hospital, we are proud to share our Heartfelt Stories featuring inspiring testimonials from our patients, employees, volunteers, donors, and community members. Each story reflects the exceptional care, support, and compassion that define our commitment to our community. Join us in celebrating these remarkable journeys and the difference compassionate care can make. ) [_page_sections_1_wysiwyg] => Array ( [0] => field_5a79c5dfc5cca ) [page_sections_1_width] => Array ( [0] => normal ) [_page_sections_1_width] => Array ( [0] => field_5af99fbbc9de1 ) [_yoast_wpseo_focuskw] => Array ( [0] => Dr Hambardzumyan testimonial ) [_yoast_wpseo_title] => Array ( [0] => %%title%% ) [_yoast_wpseo_linkdex] => Array ( [0] => 32 ) [_yoast_wpseo_focuskeywords] => Array ( [0] => [] ) [_yoast_wpseo_keywordsynonyms] => Array ( [0] => [""] ) [page_sections_0_hero_slider] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [_page_sections_0_hero_slider] => Array ( [0] => field_5af4ae4adb200 ) [page_sections_0_image] => Array ( [0] => 38865 ) [_page_sections_0_image] => Array ( [0] => field_5af4b0553202b ) [page_sections_0_title] => Array ( [0] => There’s Nothing More Reassuring Than a Doctor Who Listens ) [_page_sections_0_title] => Array ( [0] => field_5af99e4fd1223 ) [page_sections_0_text] => Array ( [0] => ) [_page_sections_0_text] => Array ( [0] => field_5bfc041f4dfcd ) [page_sections_0_actions] => Array ( [0] => ) [_page_sections_0_actions] => Array ( [0] => field_5af4b0783202c ) [page_sections_2_section_title] => Array ( [0] => How Dr. Fay Migotsky of Rindge Family Practice Saved a Life Through Dedicated Care ) [_page_sections_2_section_title] => Array ( [0] => field_5ada5134d3021 ) [page_sections_2_wysiwyg] => Array ( [0] => A few years ago, Mark Stevens found himself in a quandary. He’d just been diagnosed with a mitral valve disorder—a serious condition that needs monitoring. Knowing that he would need to establish a doctor-patient relationship he could rely on, Mark became a patient of Dr. Fay Migotsky of Rindge Family Practice, an affiliate of Monadnock Community Hospital. For the next year, Dr. Migotsky monitored Mark’s health and sent him for regular echocardiograms. And when his health worsened in April of 2011, Dr. Migotsky and Mark’s cardiologist wasted no time. They immediately scheduled him for open-heart surgery at Catholic Medical Center which, according to Mark, saved his life. “If it wasn’t for Dr. Migotsky, I would not be here today,“ says Mark. “She’s responsive and proactive—and she really listens.”
“I just had my first grandchild this spring,” he adds. “And it’s great to know I’ll be around to watch her grow.”
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