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[post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [1] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 38027 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2024-07-22 10:00:48 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-22 14:00:48 [post_content] => [post_title] => Bow Leg Correction Surgery | Osteotomy, Guided Growth Surgery [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => benefits-bow-leg-correction-surgery [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-11-15 11:53:01 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-15 16:53:01 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?p=38027 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) ) [post_count] => 2 [current_post] => -1 [before_loop] => [in_the_loop] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 38029 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2024-09-30 07:20:13 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-30 11:20:13 [post_content] => [post_title] => Limb Lengthening Surgery | Solutions for Limb Length Discrepancies [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => benefits-limb-lengthening-surgery [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-11-15 11:53:17 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-15 16:53:17 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?p=38029 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [comment_count] => 0 [current_comment] => -1 [found_posts] => 2 [max_num_pages] => 1 [max_num_comment_pages] => 0 [is_single] => [is_preview] => [is_page] => [is_archive] => 1 [is_date] => [is_year] => [is_month] => [is_day] => [is_time] => [is_author] => [is_category] => [is_tag] => 1 [is_tax] => [is_search] => [is_feed] => [is_comment_feed] => [is_trackback] => [is_home] => [is_privacy_policy] => [is_404] => [is_embed] => [is_paged] => 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WP_Query Object *RECURSION* ) )
WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 38027 [post_author] => 9192204 [post_date] => 2024-07-22 10:00:48 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-22 14:00:48 [post_content] => [post_title] => Bow Leg Correction Surgery | Osteotomy, Guided Growth Surgery [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => benefits-bow-leg-correction-surgery [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-11-15 11:53:01 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-15 16:53:01 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://monadnockcommunityhospital.com/?p=38027 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw )
Array ( [_edit_lock] => Array ( [0] => 1731689606:9192204 ) [_edit_last] => Array ( [0] => 9192204 ) [page_sections] => Array ( [0] => a:4:{i:0;s:7:"wysiwyg";i:1;s:7:"wysiwyg";i:2;s:7:"wysiwyg";i:3;s:9:"post_grid";} ) [_page_sections] => Array ( [0] => field_5a74c7ee071c2 ) [_yoast_wpseo_primary_category] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [_yoast_wpseo_estimated-reading-time-minutes] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_yoast_wpseo_wordproof_timestamp] => Array ( [0] => ) [_wp_old_date] => Array ( [0] => 2023-09-30 ) [_yoast_wpseo_inclusive_language_score] => Array ( [0] => 90 ) [_yoast_wpseo_title] => Array ( [0] => Bow Leg Correction Surgery | Osteotomy, Guided Growth Surgery ) [page_sections_0_section_title] => Array ( [0] => ) [_page_sections_0_section_title] => Array ( [0] => field_5ada5134d3021 ) [page_sections_0_wysiwyg] => Array ( [0] =>Bow legs, or genu varum, is a condition where the legs curve outward at the knees, while the feet and ankles stay together. This leads to an uneven alignment, which can cause pain and limit mobility if left untreated. But don’t worry—we can fix this. Bow leg correction surgery, offered right here at Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates, offers a permanent solution to restore proper leg alignment and improve quality of life.
What Causes Bow Legs?
Bow legs are common in developing infants and toddlers, who usually grow out of the condition by 18 months of age. But in some cases, genetics, nutritional deficiencies, or conditions such as rickets or Blount's disease can cause bow legs to persist or worsen. Early diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment.![]()
Surgical Options for Correction: