Dr Kwitkin - Monadnock Community Hospital
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Monadnock Surgical Associates is pleased to welcome Brian Kwitkin!
Dr. Kwitkin , a board-certified general surgeon and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, brings extensive expertise in general and acute care surgery, including laparoscopic and minimally invasive procedures. Prior to joining us, he completed prestigious training at Cooper University Hospital and a Mastery in General Surgery Fellowship in Jacksonville, Florida.
With a passion for education, Dr. Kwitkin has served as a Surgical Clerkship Director and Clinical Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine. We're excited for him to bring his skills to the Monadnock community.
Dr. Kwitkin specializes in general and acute care surgery, performing laparoscopic and minimally invasive procedures to treat:
Abdominal wall hernias
Gallbladder and Biliary problems
Benign and malignant small and large bowel masses
Wound care
Skin and subcutaneous masses and cysts (including pilonidal and pilar cysts)
Please join us in welcoming Brian Kwitkin!
To schedule an appointment with Brian Kwitkin, call 603-924-4668.
Monadnock Surgical Associates
A service of Monadnock Community Hospital
454 Old Street Road, Suite 201 | Peterborough, NH 03458 | 603-924-4668 | MonadnockHospital.org
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