Effective Influenza Treatment for Your Child

A parent wearing a yellow shirt, is sitting on a couch and checking the temperature of their child who is holding a teddy bear and wrapped in a blanket.
Effective Influenza Treatment for Your Child
Combatting the Flu

Comprehensive Influenza Care for Children

Learn how to effectively manage and treat influenza symptoms in children with expert care from Monadnock Community Hospital.

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness that can cause mild to severe illness in children. Prompt treatment and proper care are essential to ensure a swift recovery and prevent complications.

Symptoms of Influenza

  • Fever or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children than adults)

Causes of Influenza

  • Viral Infection: Influenza is caused by influenza viruses, which spread through droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.
  • Close Contact: The virus can also spread by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and then touching the face.
  • Seasonal Outbreaks: Influenza is more common during the fall and winter months.

Treatment Options

Effective management of influenza involves supportive care and, in some cases, antiviral medications.

  • Rest and Hydration: Ensure your child gets plenty of rest and drinks fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Antiviral Medications: In some cases, doctors may prescribe antiviral medications like oseltamivir (Tamiflu) to reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.
  • Fever Management: Use acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce fever and relieve aches and pains. Avoid giving aspirin to children.
  • Comfort Measures: Keep your child comfortable with a cool-mist humidifier and saline nasal spray to relieve nasal congestion.

Preventing Influenza

Prevention is the best defense against influenza. Follow these tips to protect your child from the flu:

  • Annual Flu Vaccine: Ensure your child receives the annual flu vaccine. It is the most effective way to prevent influenza.
  • Good Hygiene Practices: Teach your child to wash their hands frequently with soap and water and avoid touching their face.
  • Avoid Close Contact: Keep your child away from individuals who are sick and avoid large crowds during flu season.
  • Clean and Disinfect: Regularly clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces at home, such as doorknobs, light switches, and toys.

When to Seek Medical Attention

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or severe abdominal pain
  • Persistent vomiting or inability to keep fluids down
  • Symptoms that improve but then return with fever and worse cough
  • Worsening of chronic medical conditions

At Monadnock Community Hospital, our experienced healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for children with influenza. We are here to support your child’s recovery and ensure they receive the best possible treatment to get back to their healthy selves.

Why Choose Monadnock Community Hospital’s Pediatrics Department?

Your child’s health is our top priority. At Monadnock Community Hospital, we offer expert, compassionate pediatric care from birth to adolescence. Our dedicated team of board-certified pediatricians and nurses provides comprehensive services. We believe in partnering with families to create personalized care plans and foster a healthy start in life. With a rich history of serving our community, we’re committed to providing accessible, high-quality care in a warm and welcoming environment. As a not-for-profit hospital serving families since 1919, you can trust us to deliver the highest standard of care in a safe, nurturing environment. Join us in supporting your child’s health and happiness.

Monadnock Regional Pediatrics