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Welcome to Monadnock Community Hospital’s free Health and Wellness Seminars , where we’re dedicated to empowering our community with knowledge and fostering a life of wellness. Our seminars are designed to bridge the gap between medical expertise and everyday understanding, offering valuable insights into various wellness topics. Led by experienced healthcare professionals, wellness experts, educators, and community members, these seminars are an opportunity for you to take proactive steps toward a healthier lifestyle.
It’s crucial to take an active role in your health journey. Our speakers encourage questions, discussions, and shared experiences, fostering connections among like-minded individuals who all are dedicated to prioritizing their well-being. Whether you’re aiming to improve physical health, manage stress effectively, or enhance your overall quality of life, these seminars provide the necessary tools and support.
Learn more about the Health and Wellness Seminars at MCH
Watch videos of our seminars
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[0] => While the seminar is over, you can still benefit from its insights by watching the video recording.
More Seminar Videos
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Start your new year by gaining valuable insights into the future of spine care. Monadnock Community Hospital invites you to our upcoming seminar, “Innovations in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Precision and Better Care,” on January 9, 2025. This free seminar, led by Dr. Vache Hambardzumyan, an esteemed orthopedic surgeon from Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates specializing in spine care, will provide attendees with an in-depth look at cutting-edge advancements in minimally invasive spine surgery.
In this one-hour session, Dr. Hambardzumyan will discuss how recent technological innovations are transforming spine surgery by improving precision, shortening recovery times, and enhancing overall patient outcomes. Attendees will learn about the latest imaging techniques, surgical tools, and refined approaches that make spine surgery less invasive and more effective. Whether you’re considering spine care for yourself or seeking knowledge on new healthcare advancements, this seminar offers valuable takeaways for everyone.
Event Details:
Date and Time: January 9, 2025, 5:30 PM
Location: Bond Wellness Center, Monadnock Community Hospital
About Dr. Vache Hambardzumyan: Dr. Hambardzumyan is known for his expertise in orthopedic spine surgery, with a commitment to innovative and patient-centered care. Learn more about Dr. Vache Hambardzumyan .
About Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates: Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates offers advanced orthopedic care tailored to the needs of each patient. Discover more about Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates .
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[page_sections_4_section_text] => Array
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[page_sections_4_taxonomy] => Array
[0] => tag
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[page_sections_4_terms] => Array
[0] => seminars, education, orthopedics, back
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[page_sections_4_posts_limit] => Array
[0] => 30
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