golf - Monadnock Community Hospital
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[0] => Annual charity golf tournaments supporting community healthcare at Monadnock Community Hospital.
Friday, September 9, 2022
Crotched Mountain Golf Club
Francestown, NH
Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH) in Peterborough, NH, celebrated the success of its 26th Annual Fall Foliage Golf Classic, raising over $80,000 with the support of 60 corporate and individual sponsors, benefiting patients of Monadnock Behavioral Health Services. The sold-out tournament at Crotched Mountain Golf Club featured 36 teams and 25 volunteers. Major sponsor Hutter Construction, along with other notable sponsors, contributed to this remarkable achievement. The event ended with a 3-way tie, won by Little Lambs International.
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Hutter Construction Corporation
Overlook Farm
D.S. Huntington Company, LLC.
Belletetes, Inc.
Little Lambs International
Catholic Medical Center
David Wendell Associates, Inc.
Academy Roofing
Edmunds Ace Hardware
Brennan & Pike
Communicators Group
Granite State Plumbing & Heating
Lincoln Financial Group
Monadnock Paper Mills
New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc.
Orr & Reno, P.A.
RBC Wealth Management
Sodexo, Inc.
WBS/HUB International
Warrenstreet Architects, Inc.
MCH extends gratitude to all of our supporters.
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[0] => Experience the beauty of New England's fall foliage while supporting a great cause at the MCH Fall Foliage Golf Classic. Join us for a day of golf, camaraderie, and philanthropy benefiting Monadnock Community Hospital's programs.
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