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Welcome to Monadnock Community Hospital’s Smoke-Free Campus! As of January 1, 2019, our hospital is committed to providing a breath of fresh air for everyone by becoming a smoke-free environment.
Under this new policy, smoking and the use of tobacco products are strictly prohibited on Monadnock Community Hospital property. This includes all areas such as parking lots, sidewalks, and green spaces. Our decision to implement this policy is rooted in our dedication to fostering a healthy and safe environment for our employees, patients, and visitors, promoting positive health behaviors throughout our community.
For more information about our new smoke-free campus policy, feel free to visit our front desk or give us a call at (603) 924-7191. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for helping us create a healthier and more vibrant atmosphere for everyone at Monadnock Community Hospital.
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Welcome to Monadnock Community Hospital's Smoke-Free Campus! As of January 1, 2019, our hospital is committed to providing a breath of fresh air for everyone by becoming a smoke-free environment.
Under this new policy, smoking and the use of tobacco products are strictly prohibited on Monadnock Community Hospital property. This includes all areas such as parking lots, sidewalks, and green spaces. Our decision to implement this policy is rooted in our dedication to fostering a healthy and safe environment for our employees, patients, and visitors, promoting positive health behaviors throughout our community.
For more information about our new smoke-free campus policy, feel free to visit our front desk or give us a call at (603) 924-7191. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for helping us create a healthier and more vibrant atmosphere for everyone at Monadnock Community Hospital.
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Welcome to Monadnock Community Hospital's Smoke-Free Campus! As of January 1, 2019, our hospital is committed to providing a breath of fresh air for everyone by becoming a smoke-free environment.
Under this new policy, smoking and the use of tobacco products are strictly prohibited on Monadnock Community Hospital property. This includes all areas such as parking lots, sidewalks, and green spaces. Our decision to implement this policy is rooted in our dedication to fostering a healthy and safe environment for our employees, patients, and visitors, promoting positive health behaviors throughout our community.
For more information about our new smoke-free campus policy, feel free to visit our front desk or give us a call at (603) 924-7191. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for helping us create a healthier and more vibrant atmosphere for everyone at Monadnock Community Hospital.
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Welcome to Monadnock Community Hospital's Smoke-Free Campus! As of January 1, 2019, our hospital is committed to providing a breath of fresh air for everyone by becoming a smoke-free environment.
Under this new policy, smoking and the use of tobacco products are strictly prohibited on Monadnock Community Hospital property. This includes all areas such as parking lots, sidewalks, and green spaces. Our decision to implement this policy is rooted in our dedication to fostering a healthy and safe environment for our employees, patients, and visitors, promoting positive health behaviors throughout our community.
For more information about our new smoke-free campus policy, feel free to visit our front desk or give us a call at (603) 924-7191. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for helping us create a healthier and more vibrant atmosphere for everyone at Monadnock Community Hospital.
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[post_date] => 2018-12-03 11:22:46
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-12-03 16:22:46
[post_content] =>
Welcome to Monadnock Community Hospital's Smoke-Free Campus! As of January 1, 2019, our hospital is committed to providing a breath of fresh air for everyone by becoming a smoke-free environment.
Under this new policy, smoking and the use of tobacco products are strictly prohibited on Monadnock Community Hospital property. This includes all areas such as parking lots, sidewalks, and green spaces. Our decision to implement this policy is rooted in our dedication to fostering a healthy and safe environment for our employees, patients, and visitors, promoting positive health behaviors throughout our community.
For more information about our new smoke-free campus policy, feel free to visit our front desk or give us a call at (603) 924-7191. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for helping us create a healthier and more vibrant atmosphere for everyone at Monadnock Community Hospital.
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