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Free Falls Prevention Screening
Thursday, September 21st 10am-2pm
In recognition of National Fall Prevention Week (9/18-9/22), MCH Rehabilitation Services is offering FREE falls prevention screenings!
Thursday, Sept 21 from 10 am-2pm | Bond Wellness Center Conference room
Community Members who are concerned about falling at home and learning how to prevent falls from occurring are encouraged to schedule a screening. This screening will include a review of individual results with the therapist along with education on how to prevent falls at home.
Screenings will be provided by:
Lynne Maloney, PT
Liz Robitaille, PT
and Liz Warner, PTA
To sign up: Please call the Rehab department at 603-924-4699 x4098 to book a 20-minute appointment.
Appointments are limited, so call today!
More information about falls prevention can be found at
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Free Falls Prevention Screening
Thursday, September 21st 10am-2pm
In recognition of National Fall Prevention Week (9/18-9/22), MCH Rehabilitation Services is offering FREE falls prevention screenings!
Thursday, Sept 21 from 10 am-2pm | Bond Wellness Center Conference room
Community Members who are concerned about falling at home and learning how to prevent falls from occurring are encouraged to schedule a screening. This screening will include a review of individual results with the therapist along with education on how to prevent falls at home.
Screenings will be provided by:
Lynne Maloney, PT
Liz Robitaille, PT
and Liz Warner, PTA
To sign up: Please call the Rehab department at 603-924-4699 x4098 to book a 20-minute appointment.
Appointments are limited, so call today!
More information about falls prevention can be found at
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Free Falls Prevention Screening
Thursday, September 21st 10am-2pm
In recognition of National Fall Prevention Week (9/18-9/22), MCH Rehabilitation Services is offering FREE falls prevention screenings!
Thursday, Sept 21 from 10 am-2pm | Bond Wellness Center Conference room
Community Members who are concerned about falling at home and learning how to prevent falls from occurring are encouraged to schedule a screening. This screening will include a review of individual results with the therapist along with education on how to prevent falls at home.
Screenings will be provided by:
Lynne Maloney, PT
Liz Robitaille, PT
and Liz Warner, PTA
To sign up: Please call the Rehab department at 603-924-4699 x4098 to book a 20-minute appointment.
Appointments are limited, so call today!
More information about falls prevention can be found at
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Free Falls Prevention Screening
Thursday, September 21st 10am-2pm
In recognition of National Fall Prevention Week (9/18-9/22), MCH Rehabilitation Services is offering FREE falls prevention screenings!
Thursday, Sept 21 from 10 am-2pm | Bond Wellness Center Conference room
Community Members who are concerned about falling at home and learning how to prevent falls from occurring are encouraged to schedule a screening. This screening will include a review of individual results with the therapist along with education on how to prevent falls at home.
Screenings will be provided by:
Lynne Maloney, PT
Liz Robitaille, PT
and Liz Warner, PTA
To sign up: Please call the Rehab department at 603-924-4699 x4098 to book a 20-minute appointment.
Appointments are limited, so call today!
More information about falls prevention can be found at
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[post_content] =>
Free Falls Prevention Screening
Thursday, September 21st 10am-2pm
In recognition of National Fall Prevention Week (9/18-9/22), MCH Rehabilitation Services is offering FREE falls prevention screenings!
Thursday, Sept 21 from 10 am-2pm | Bond Wellness Center Conference room
Community Members who are concerned about falling at home and learning how to prevent falls from occurring are encouraged to schedule a screening. This screening will include a review of individual results with the therapist along with education on how to prevent falls at home.
Screenings will be provided by:
Lynne Maloney, PT
Liz Robitaille, PT
and Liz Warner, PTA
To sign up: Please call the Rehab department at 603-924-4699 x4098 to book a 20-minute appointment.
Appointments are limited, so call today!
More information about falls prevention can be found at
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[0] => Join us for a FREE Falls Prevention Screening on Thursday, September 21, in recognition of National Fall Prevention Week. MCH Rehabilitation Services, led by experienced therapists Lynne Maloney, PT, Liz Robitaille, PT, and Liz Warner, PTA, offers personalized screenings with individual result reviews and valuable education on preventing falls at home. Limited appointments available, so call 603-924-4699 x4098 to schedule your 20-minute session today. Safeguard your well-being with expert guidance.
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