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Join Us in Health and Well-Being!
At Monadnock Community Hospital, we’re dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of our community through informative and engaging events. Each event is designed to empower you with knowledge, connect with healthcare experts, and support your journey to a healthier lifestyle. From wellness seminars to community workshops, we invite you to explore our upcoming events and join us in fostering a healthier community.
January 2027
Join our Baby and Me parent group every Tuesday from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Connect with other new parents and get support regarding feeding concerns, sleep issues, parenting, and more. Led by an RN or Lactation Consultation from our award-winning MCH Birthing Suite, this drop-in group is open to parents with infants from birth […]
Diabetes Support Group Event by Monadnock Community Hospital Location: Bond Wellness Center Conference Room Duration: 1 hour Date/Time: Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Join us for the Diabetes Support Group at Monadnock Community Hospital. This group offers a supportive and welcoming environment where individuals living with diabetes can connect, share experiences, […]
February 2027
Parkinsons Support Group Event by Monadnock Community Hospital Location: Bond Wellness Center Conference Room, 458 Old Street Road, Peterborough NH Duration: 1 hour Date/Time: 1st Wednesday of each month, 4:30 […]
Join our Understanding Birth Class ! You’ll learn everything you need to know about childbirth preparation, comfort strategies, breastfeeding education, newborn care, and more. The class includes a tour of our award-winning birthing suite, initial skin-to-skin contact, and a breastfeeding book. Our highly supportive environment is family-centered and offers innovative birthing practices. With completely natural […]
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