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Join Us in Health and Well-Being!
At Monadnock Community Hospital, we’re dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of our community through informative and engaging events. Each event is designed to empower you with knowledge, connect with healthcare experts, and support your journey to a healthier lifestyle. From wellness seminars to community workshops, we invite you to explore our upcoming events and join us in fostering a healthier community.
October 2024
Parkinsons Support Group Event by Monadnock Community Hospital Location: Bond Wellness Center Conference Room, 458 Old Street Road, Peterborough NH Duration: 1 hour Date/Time: 1st Wednesday of each month, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. At Monadnock Community Hospital, we're dedicated to supporting the health and wellbeing of our community. We are excited to introduce a new […]
Diabetes Support Group Event by Monadnock Community Hospital Location: Bond Wellness Center Conference Room Duration: 1 hour Date/Time: Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Join us for the Diabetes Support Group at Monadnock Community Hospital. This group offers a supportive and welcoming environment where individuals living with diabetes can connect, share experiences, […]
Mark your calendars! Monadnock Community Hospital is excited to announce the arrival of Dr. Robert Spencer and Nurse Practitioner Brooke O’Connor at the new Monadnock Cardiology Associates practice! Join us at the open house to learn more: Meet and greet with the providers Refreshments Tour of the practice Giveaways OPEN TO ALL—NO RSVP REQUIRED! Date: […]
November 2024
Join our Baby and Me parent group every Tuesday from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Connect with other new parents and get support regarding feeding concerns, sleep issues, parenting, and […]
Join our Understanding Birth Class ! You’ll learn everything you need to know about childbirth preparation, comfort strategies, breastfeeding education, newborn care, and more. The class includes a tour of […]
REGISTER FOR Nutrition Nurtures: Empowering Maternal Wellness Date: Thursday, November 14 Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Location: The Bond Wellness Center Conference Room Presenter: Whitney Hightower, Outpatient Registered Dietician of Nutrition Services Discover the keys to nourishing both body and baby with our upcoming seminar on maternal nutrition. Gain invaluable guidance on crafting a balanced diet tailored to support maternal […]
January 2025
REGISTER FOR: Innovations in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Precision and Better Care Date: Thursday, January 9, 2025 Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Location: Bond Wellness Center, 458 Old Street Road, Peterborough, NH […]
February 2025
REGISTER FOR: Women’s Guide to Cardiovascular Wellness Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025 Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Location: Bond Wellness Center, 458 Old Street Road, Peterborough, NH 03458 Presenter: Dr. Robert Spencer of Monadnock Cardiology […]
March 2025
REGISTER FOR: Colorectal Cancer: Raising Awareness, Saving Lives Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025 Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Location: Bond Wellness Center, 458 Old Street Road, Peterborough, NH 03458 Presenter: Dr. Michael J. […]
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