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What you need to know about handwashing from the CDC
This video from the CDC shows you the simple yet powerful steps for proper handwashing and sanitizer use. Learn when it's crucial to clean your hands and discover why it's one of the best ways to protect yourself from illness. Learn when and how to wash your hands effectively, accompanied by guidance on using hand sanitizer. Uncover the science-backed reasons behind the importance of maintaining clean hands as a powerful defense against illnesses.Keep yourself and your loved ones healthy.
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What you need to know about handwashing from the CDC
This video from the CDC shows you the simple yet powerful steps for proper handwashing and sanitizer use. Learn when it's crucial to clean your hands and discover why it's one of the best ways to protect yourself from illness. Learn when and how to wash your hands effectively, accompanied by guidance on using hand sanitizer. Uncover the science-backed reasons behind the importance of maintaining clean hands as a powerful defense against illnesses.Keep yourself and your loved ones healthy.
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[post_date] => 2020-03-12 17:01:58
[post_date_gmt] => 2020-03-12 21:01:58
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What you need to know about handwashing from the CDC
This video from the CDC shows you the simple yet powerful steps for proper handwashing and sanitizer use. Learn when it's crucial to clean your hands and discover why it's one of the best ways to protect yourself from illness. Learn when and how to wash your hands effectively, accompanied by guidance on using hand sanitizer. Uncover the science-backed reasons behind the importance of maintaining clean hands as a powerful defense against illnesses.Keep yourself and your loved ones healthy.
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