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Monadnock Community Hospital is working towards creating a path for patients to see their doctors remotely, as response to the COVID-19 outbreak has opened up new avenues for accessing care remotely.
Telehealth visits use a video and audio connection from doctor to patient, and allow the patient to access medical care without leaving their home. It can be used by doctors, therapists, and other health care workers.
Monadnock Community Hospital has already begun the process of doctors consulting with patients via video, and is on track to be able to provide greater access to that service – on a limited basis – within two weeks.
Dr. Greg Neilley, an internist and geriatrician at Monadnock Internal Medicine, said he’s been able to meet with several patients so far using a video call. While telehealth consultations aren’t always appropriate – there is no way to run certain tests, or physically listen to a patient’s lungs or heart, for example, and most critical emergencies will still require an Emergency Room visit. But for many patients, they can receive a similar level of care as if they were in the same room as their doctor.
Read the full article on Ledger Transcript >>
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Monadnock Community Hospital is working towards creating a path for patients to see their doctors remotely, as response to the COVID-19 outbreak has opened up new avenues for accessing care remotely.
Telehealth visits use a video and audio connection from doctor to patient, and allow the patient to access medical care without leaving their home. It can be used by doctors, therapists, and other health care workers.
Monadnock Community Hospital has already begun the process of doctors consulting with patients via video, and is on track to be able to provide greater access to that service – on a limited basis – within two weeks.
Dr. Greg Neilley, an internist and geriatrician at Monadnock Internal Medicine, said he’s been able to meet with several patients so far using a video call. While telehealth consultations aren’t always appropriate – there is no way to run certain tests, or physically listen to a patient’s lungs or heart, for example, and most critical emergencies will still require an Emergency Room visit. But for many patients, they can receive a similar level of care as if they were in the same room as their doctor.
Read the full article on Ledger Transcript >>
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Monadnock Community Hospital is working towards creating a path for patients to see their doctors remotely, as response to the COVID-19 outbreak has opened up new avenues for accessing care remotely.
Telehealth visits use a video and audio connection from doctor to patient, and allow the patient to access medical care without leaving their home. It can be used by doctors, therapists, and other health care workers.
Monadnock Community Hospital has already begun the process of doctors consulting with patients via video, and is on track to be able to provide greater access to that service – on a limited basis – within two weeks.
Dr. Greg Neilley, an internist and geriatrician at Monadnock Internal Medicine, said he’s been able to meet with several patients so far using a video call. While telehealth consultations aren’t always appropriate – there is no way to run certain tests, or physically listen to a patient’s lungs or heart, for example, and most critical emergencies will still require an Emergency Room visit. But for many patients, they can receive a similar level of care as if they were in the same room as their doctor.
Read the full article on Ledger Transcript >>
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Monadnock Community Hospital is working towards creating a path for patients to see their doctors remotely, as response to the COVID-19 outbreak has opened up new avenues for accessing care remotely.
Telehealth visits use a video and audio connection from doctor to patient, and allow the patient to access medical care without leaving their home. It can be used by doctors, therapists, and other health care workers.
Monadnock Community Hospital has already begun the process of doctors consulting with patients via video, and is on track to be able to provide greater access to that service – on a limited basis – within two weeks.
Dr. Greg Neilley, an internist and geriatrician at Monadnock Internal Medicine, said he’s been able to meet with several patients so far using a video call. While telehealth consultations aren’t always appropriate – there is no way to run certain tests, or physically listen to a patient’s lungs or heart, for example, and most critical emergencies will still require an Emergency Room visit. But for many patients, they can receive a similar level of care as if they were in the same room as their doctor.
Read the full article on Ledger Transcript >>
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[post_author] => 9192192
[post_date] => 2020-04-01 09:49:32
[post_date_gmt] => 2020-04-01 13:49:32
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Monadnock Community Hospital is working towards creating a path for patients to see their doctors remotely, as response to the COVID-19 outbreak has opened up new avenues for accessing care remotely.
Telehealth visits use a video and audio connection from doctor to patient, and allow the patient to access medical care without leaving their home. It can be used by doctors, therapists, and other health care workers.
Monadnock Community Hospital has already begun the process of doctors consulting with patients via video, and is on track to be able to provide greater access to that service – on a limited basis – within two weeks.
Dr. Greg Neilley, an internist and geriatrician at Monadnock Internal Medicine, said he’s been able to meet with several patients so far using a video call. While telehealth consultations aren’t always appropriate – there is no way to run certain tests, or physically listen to a patient’s lungs or heart, for example, and most critical emergencies will still require an Emergency Room visit. But for many patients, they can receive a similar level of care as if they were in the same room as their doctor.
Read the full article on Ledger Transcript >>
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