b'Will I need to take antibiotics for dental work?It is important to prevent a bacterial infection in your new artificial joint, you will need to take antibiotics for all dental work after your surgery.Consult with your doctor on how long you will need to do this.Diet after surgery:It is not uncommon after surgery to not move your bowels for several days, anesthesia and pain medications often cause constipation.To help prevent constipation an over the counter stool softener or laxative can help along with a high-fiber diet with plenty of water intake.It is important to include certain foods in your diet to help with the healing process.These foods include: oCalcium important in the bones ability to heal and keep them strong. oVitamin Dhelps the body absorb calcium and strengthens the immune system. oProteina key nutrient in healing. Protein also helps your body to maintain and increase strength before and after surgery.Additional sources of protein can be found in Boost or Ensure shakes. oOmega 3contain anti-inflammatory properties and also aid in bone formation and bone loss. oVitamin Cassists with wound healing. .Monadnock Community Hospital Joint Replacement Program | UNI Tab 105'