b'Why does my new knee click? This is normal; many patients with a new knee experience a clicking or similar sound when they bend their kneeWill I need help at home?Yes!!For the first several days or weeks, depending on your progress, you will need some assistance with day to day activities.Preparing ahead of time, before your surgery, can minimize the amount of help required. If you live on a multi-level home you may need to consider adapting the main living level to suit your needs for a short period of time (sleeping arrangements, commode). Rearranging furniture, removing throw rugs, getting a shower chair and other assistive devices (shoe horn, grabbing tool) prior to surgery so you will be able to easily maneuver around your home is suggested. How do I care for the wound after surgery?The hospital applied dressing should stay on as long as directed by your doctor.The Optifoam dressing remains on for 5 days. Allow Prineo mesh to fall off on its own, you may trim the edges as they lift. There will be instructions in your discharge paperwork on when you will be able to shower and get the dressing wet. Please notify your doctor if the wound becomes red, starts to drain or bleed, or you have numbness/tingling to the affected extremity.Monadnock Community Hospital Joint Replacement Program | UNI Tab 103'