b'BandagesACE bandage can be removed 1 day after surgery. Foam boarder dressing (large band aid) underneath can be removed 5 days after surgery. Prineo mesh underneath the dressing is water proof and should be stay in place for 3 weeks to 1 month after surgery. MedicationsTake all medications as directed by the doctor or physicians assistant.oAdded medications may include: narcotics,non-narcotics pain pills, oral or injectable blood thinners, stool softeners, and anti-nausea medications. Water Do not submerge your wound underwater for at least 2 weeks. You may shower and let water run over your leg.ExercisesDo your exercises at least 3 times per day. Walk or stand up, in your home, for 5-10 minutes every hour or two. Get the blood moving! This is challenging but it needs to be done. Go up and down the stairs a couple times a day as needed, but do not overdo it. Going up stairs lead with your non-operated leg and when going down stairs lead with your operated leg. Hold onto railings. You should be able to resume most normal activities of daily living within 3 to 6 weeks following surgery. oSome pain with activity and at night is common for several weeks. Your activity program should include: oGraduated walking program to slowly increase your mobility, initially in your home and later outside (if weather permitting). oResuming other normal household activities such as sitting, standing, and climbing stairs. Perform specific exercises, from your doctor and physical therapists, several times a day to restore movement and strength to you knee. Monadnock Community Hospital Joint Replacement Program | UNI Tab 92'