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Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedics
Southwestern Medical School
Tufts New England Medical Center
Board Certification
Diplomate of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Fellowship Credentials
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Dr. White is a board-certified Orthopaedic Surgeon with more than 30 years of experience. He moved to the Monadnock Region in 1999, founding Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates which became a part of Monadnock Community Hospital in 2011. As a Sports Team Physician, Dr. White has spent decades taking care of local athletes of all ages. Since 2007, he has been actively involved in Medical Missions abroad.
ORTHOPAEDIC MEDICAL MISSIONS Cure, Haiti Samaritan’s Purse/International Relief, Disaster Assistance Relief Team (DART) World Medical Mission, Kenya, Zimbabwe Scalpel at the Cross, Peru.
Carpal Tunnel Release
Trigger Finger Release
Partial Knee Replacement
Hip Replacement – Posterior Approach
Mini-posterior Approach
Knee Replacement
Shoulder Replacement
Shoulder, Elbow, Knee, and Ankle Arthroscopy
Rotator Cuff Repair
Acute Tendon Repairs
Stabilization and Fracture
Fixation of Metastatic
Bone Tumors
Trauma and Fracture Care
Bone Health/Osteoporosis Management
Ancillary/Complimentary Therapy Guidance
Bracing, Splinting and Casting
Patient Evaluation
Diagnostic Joint Aspirations
Onsite Radiographic Imaging
Pharmacologic Management
Physical Therapy
Skilled Cortisone
Injections/Trigger Point Injections
Degenerative Joint Disease
General Orthopaedic
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Trigger Finger
Soft Tissue – Masses, Cysts, Ganglia
What Peter has to say
Never Better: Peter’s Path to Recovery

Peter Russell is an active guy who enjoys hiking and snowshoeing. But in recent years, staying active was becoming harder because of chronic knee pain. “I played a lot of soccer in my younger years,” he says, “so I wasn’t surprised when my knees eventually wore out.”
Peter chose Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates and Monadnock Community Hospital for his surgery. “I was very pleased with Dr. Brad White and with the hospital. Dr. White was professional, friendly, and took the time to answer all my questions. And my hospital experience was excellent, too.”
“MCH may be small, but it’s modern, clean, and has all the technology you’d find at larger hospitals. I had no reservations at all about having my surgery here.”
Peter had Uni-Knee replacement surgery on both of his knees last December. He was up and walking quickly, and spent several weeks in physical therapy, stretching and strengthening his legs to get back full mobility. “By the end of winter, I was out on my snowshoes again,” says Peter. “It feels great to be active again!”
Peter’s experience was so positive that he’s recommended Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates and MCH to friends. “You get great care, and it’s close to home. It doesn’t get better than that.”
What Joshua has to say
Skilled Surgeon and Compassionate Caregiver
“I had first seen Dr. White in Sep 2021 due arthritis in both my hips. He was very detailed regarding my treatment plan and next steps. Over the next 2 years I had both of my hips replaced by Dr. White. He is an incredible doctor! What i appreciated was not only his skill as a doctor but how he related to the patient and the environment/area we lived in. I had always felt like i was in good hands with Dr. White. He will be missed as he moves on. I’m thankful to now be pain free thanks to Dr. White and the team at Monadnock Orthopedics.” -Joshua
What Stephen has to say
Excellence in Total Knee Replacement
“Excellent surgeon. I had two total knee replacements over a span of seven months in 2023. No issues, whatsoever. He has a wonderful bedside manner; very warm, personal, & caring physician.” -Stephen
What Mia has to say
Transformative Knee Surgery
“Dr. White is a fantastic surgeon with a great bedside manner. I waited many years to have my knee replaced and went through daily pain… 2023 Dr. white performed a total knee replacement for me. I am astonished at how well my new knee is. I can do things that I haven’t done in 20 years! Dr. White your the best.” -Mia
What Chad has to say
Going Above and Beyond in Orthopedic Care
“Dr. White is phenomenal. Always goes above and beyond. Would recommend highly!” -Chad
What Kully has to say
Confidence and Satisfaction in Every Step
“Very satisfied, confident in process and results.” -Kully
What Marcia has to say
Life-Changing Knee Replacement
“I came to Monadnock Orthopedics for a second opinion for a knee replacement and met Dr. Bradley White. Best decision ever! I was sold on Dr. White’s experience, expertise, confidence, and professional manner. My surgery and rehab went great! Today my knee is pain-free! Thank you Dr. White and his wonderful caring staff!” – Marcia
What Kathy has to say
Exceptional Care from Dr. White
“Dr. White and his staff are wonderful. They take time to welcome you to their office, are very informative, and are willing to work to answer any questions or concerns about your health. Dr. White always gives you his attention and time and will help you to understand all options for treatment. Thank you.” – Kathy
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[0] => Dr. White is a board-certified Orthopaedic Surgeon with more than 30 years of experience. He moved to the Monadnock Region in 1999, founding Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates which became a part of Monadnock Community Hospital in 2011. As a Sports Team Physician, Dr. White has spent decades taking care of local athletes of all ages. Since 2007, he has been actively involved in Medical Missions abroad.
ORTHOPAEDIC MEDICAL MISSIONS Cure, Haiti Samaritan’s Purse/International Relief, Disaster Assistance Relief Team (DART) World Medical Mission, Kenya, Zimbabwe Scalpel at the Cross, Peru.
Carpal Tunnel Release
Trigger Finger Release
Partial Knee Replacement
Hip Replacement - Posterior Approach
Mini-posterior Approach
Knee Replacement
Shoulder Replacement
Shoulder, Elbow, Knee, and Ankle Arthroscopy
Rotator Cuff Repair
Acute Tendon Repairs
Stabilization and Fracture
Fixation of Metastatic
Bone Tumors
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Bracing, Splinting and Casting
Patient Evaluation
Diagnostic Joint Aspirations
Onsite Radiographic Imaging
Pharmacologic Management
Physical Therapy
Skilled Cortisone
Injections/Trigger Point Injections
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Trigger Finger
Soft Tissue – Masses, Cysts, Ganglia
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[0] => Never Better: Peter’s Path to Recovery
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[0] => field_556632cde11f2
[testimonials_0_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => 
Peter Russell is an active guy who enjoys hiking and snowshoeing. But in recent years, staying active was becoming harder because of chronic knee pain. “I played a lot of soccer in my younger years,” he says, “so I wasn’t surprised when my knees eventually wore out.”
Peter chose Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates and Monadnock Community Hospital for his surgery. “I was very pleased with Dr. Brad White and with the hospital. Dr. White was professional, friendly, and took the time to answer all my questions. And my hospital experience was excellent, too."
"MCH may be small, but it’s modern, clean, and has all the technology you’d find at larger hospitals. I had no reservations at all about having my surgery here.”
Peter had Uni-Knee replacement surgery on both of his knees last December. He was up and walking quickly, and spent several weeks in physical therapy, stretching and strengthening his legs to get back full mobility. “By the end of winter, I was out on my snowshoes again,” says Peter. “It feels great to be active again!”
Peter’s experience was so positive that he’s recommended Monadnock Orthopaedic Associates and MCH to friends. “You get great care, and it’s close to home. It doesn’t get better than that.”
[_testimonials_0_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => field_556632e5e11f3
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[testimonials_1_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => Joshua
[_testimonials_1_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => field_556632b6e11f1
[testimonials_1_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => Skilled Surgeon and Compassionate Caregiver
[_testimonials_1_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => field_556632cde11f2
[testimonials_1_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => "I had first seen Dr. White in Sep 2021 due arthritis in both my hips. He was very detailed regarding my treatment plan and next steps. Over the next 2 years I had both of my hips replaced by Dr. White. He is an incredible doctor! What i appreciated was not only his skill as a doctor but how he related to the patient and the environment/area we lived in. I had always felt like i was in good hands with Dr. White. He will be missed as he moves on. I'm thankful to now be pain free thanks to Dr. White and the team at Monadnock Orthopedics." -Joshua
[_testimonials_1_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => field_556632e5e11f3
[testimonials_2_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => Stephen
[_testimonials_2_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => field_556632b6e11f1
[testimonials_2_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => Excellence in Total Knee Replacement
[_testimonials_2_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => field_556632cde11f2
[testimonials_2_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => "Excellent surgeon. I had two total knee replacements over a span of seven months in 2023. No issues, whatsoever. He has a wonderful bedside manner; very warm, personal, & caring physician." -Stephen
[_testimonials_2_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => field_556632e5e11f3
[testimonials_3_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => Mia
[_testimonials_3_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => field_556632b6e11f1
[testimonials_3_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => Transformative Knee Surgery
[_testimonials_3_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => field_556632cde11f2
[testimonials_3_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => "Dr. White is a fantastic surgeon with a great bedside manner. I waited many years to have my knee replaced and went through daily pain... 2023 Dr. white performed a total knee replacement for me. I am astonished at how well my new knee is. I can do things that I haven't done in 20 years! Dr. White your the best." -Mia
[_testimonials_3_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => field_556632e5e11f3
[testimonials_4_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => Chad
[_testimonials_4_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => field_556632b6e11f1
[testimonials_4_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => Going Above and Beyond in Orthopedic Care
[_testimonials_4_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => field_556632cde11f2
[testimonials_4_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => "Dr. White is phenomenal. Always goes above and beyond. Would recommend highly!" -Chad
[_testimonials_4_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => field_556632e5e11f3
[testimonials_5_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => Kully
[_testimonials_5_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => field_556632b6e11f1
[testimonials_5_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => Confidence and Satisfaction in Every Step
[_testimonials_5_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => field_556632cde11f2
[testimonials_5_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => "Very satisfied, confident in process and results." -Kully
[_testimonials_5_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => field_556632e5e11f3
[testimonials_6_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => Marcia
[_testimonials_6_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => field_556632b6e11f1
[testimonials_6_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => Life-Changing Knee Replacement
[_testimonials_6_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => field_556632cde11f2
[testimonials_6_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => "I came to Monadnock Orthopedics for a second opinion for a knee replacement and met Dr. Bradley White. Best decision ever! I was sold on Dr. White's experience, expertise, confidence, and professional manner. My surgery and rehab went great! Today my knee is pain-free! Thank you Dr. White and his wonderful caring staff!" - Marcia
[_testimonials_6_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => field_556632e5e11f3
[testimonials_7_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => Kathy
[_testimonials_7_testimonials_name] => Array
[0] => field_556632b6e11f1
[testimonials_7_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => Exceptional Care from Dr. White
[_testimonials_7_testimonials_title] => Array
[0] => field_556632cde11f2
[testimonials_7_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => "Dr. White and his staff are wonderful. They take time to welcome you to their office, are very informative, and are willing to work to answer any questions or concerns about your health. Dr. White always gives you his attention and time and will help you to understand all options for treatment. Thank you." - Kathy
[_testimonials_7_testimonials_body] => Array
[0] => field_556632e5e11f3