Results Found: 465

Test Name Abbreviation Preferred Container Alternate Container Preferred Draw Volume Minimum Draw Volume Specimen Handling Instructions Stability Temperature Test Performed STAT CPT Code Reference Range Units Performing Lab Set-up Schedule Turnaround Time Method
17 HYDROXYPROGESTERONE 17HP Plain Red EDTA 3.5 mL 1.5mL SST-UNACCEPTABLE 48 hours Refrigerate No 83498 Age Dependent ng/dL Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
17-KETOSTEROIDS,FRACT 17KS 24 hr urine 5.0 mL from 24 hour urine 2.6 mL from 24 hour urine 48 hours Refrigerate No 83593 See Report Quest Sendout 5 days GC/MS
5-HIAA (HYDROXYINDOLEACETICACID) 5HIAA 24 hr urine-Acid Wash 5.0 mL from 24 hour urine 2.6 mL from 24 hour urine Avoid Certain Foods Ref 7 days Frozen 30 days Refrigerate No 83497 Age Dependent mg/24hr Quest Sendout 5 days HPLC
5′ NUCLEOTIDASE 5NUCLEO SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL Ref 7 days Frozen 14 days Refrigerate No 83915 0-10 U/L Quest Sendout 5 days Colorimetric/Kinetic
ACETOMINOPHEN LEVEL ACETO PST SST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82003 10--30 ug/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
ACETONE,QUALITATIVE ACETONE SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82009 Negative MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours visual/semi-quant.
Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) Culture and Smear Sterile Container Instruct patient to gargle with water and to cough deeply. Refrigerate Yes Quest AFB culture = 2 months, AFB smear = 2 - 4 days
ACTH (ADRENOCORTCOTROPHIC HORMONE) ACTH EDTA Plasma 4.0 mL 3.0 mL spin and freeze plasma For single ACTH sample only 24 Hours Refrigerate No 82024 Age Dependent pg/mL Quest Sendout 2 days IA
ACUTE HEPATITIS PANEL ACHEP SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL Includes, Hep B surface antigen, Hep B core antibody IgM and Hep A antibody IgM and Hep C antibody 2 Days Refrigerate No 80074 See Report CMC Sendout
AFP PROFILE TO QUEST AFP4 SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Send with form Spin and separate serum within 2 hours of draw 3 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Age Dependent Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
AFP-SINGLE AFP1 SST Plain Red 5.0 mL 2.5 mL Send with form Spin and separate serum within 2 hours of draw 7 Days Refrigerate No 82105 See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
AFP-TUMOR MARKER AFPTM SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Spin and separate serum within 2 hours of draw 7 Days Refrigerate No 82105 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
ALA (AMINOLEVULINIC ACID) ALA 24 hr urine-Acid Wash 5.0 mL from 24 hour urine 3.0 mL from 24 hour urine Protect from light 7 Days Refrigerate No 82135 0.0-0.54 mg/dL Quest Sendout 3 days Colorimetric
ALBUMIN,SERUM ALB SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82040 3.4-5.0 g/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Coloremetric
ALCOHOL (ETHANOL) ALC SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL Prep arm with SEPPs povidone iodine only. Be sure to verify with patient that there is no sensitivity to iodine 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82055 <=10.0 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 1 hour within an hour Colorimetric
ALDOLASE ALDOL SST 3.5 mL 1.5mL Spin and separate serum within 2 hours of draw 5 Days Refrigerate No 82085 Age Dependent U/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days Enzymatic
ALDOSTERONE,SERUM ALDOS Plain Red 3.5 mL 1.5mL Spin and separate serum within 2 hours of draw 7 Days Refrigerate No 82088 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 3 days LC/MS/MS
ALDOSTERONE,URINE-24 HR (PRES) ALDOSU 24 hr urine-Acid Wash 5.0 mL from 24 hour urine 2.6 mL from 24 hour urine 7 Days Refrigerate No 82088 See Report Quest Sendout 7 days Extraction RIA
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE TOTAL ALP SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 4 Days Refrigerate Yes 84075 Age Dependent U/L MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hour Multiple-point rate
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE,ISOENZYMES ALPISO SST SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL Must be spun within 30 minutes of draw 7 Days, Must be spun within 30 minutes of draw Refrigerate, Room Temperature No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-2 days Electrophoresis
ALPHA-1-ANTITRYPSIN, TOTAL AIAT SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82103 83-199 mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Nephelometry
ALT (SGPT) ALT SST PST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 84460 Sex Dependent U/L CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24 hours Multiple-point rate
ALUMINUM ALUM 24 hr urine-No Additive 7.0 mL from 24 hour urine 3.0 mL from 24 hour urine 7 Days Refrigerate No 82108 <36 mcg/24 Quest Sendout 3 days Atomic Spectroscopy
AMIKACIN AMIK Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80150 See Report mg/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
AMITRITPYLINE (ELAVIL) AMITR Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Specify Peak or Trough Provide date and time of last dose 3 Days Refrigerate No 80152 100-250 ug/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days LC/MS/MS
AMMONIA AMMON EDTA on Ice, separate plasma within 15 minutes Lithium heparin on ice, separate plasma within 15 minutes 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Centrifuge specimens and remove the plasma from the cellular material within 15 minutes of collection. Keep on ice until analysis. 24 Hours frozen once separated, 3 Hours refrigerated once separated Yes 82140 9.0-30.0 umol/L MCH Upon Arrival within an hour Colorimetric
Amylase Isoenzymes AMYISOX Lithium Heparin (GREEN TOP) 4 mL 2 mL 14 days refrigerated Refrigerate No Quest 3-5 days
AMYLASE-MISC FLUIDS AMYFLD Plain Red Sterile cup 7 Days Refrigerate No 82150 No Established Range U/L Quest Upon Arrival 5-7 days
AMYLASE-TIMED URINE AMYUT 5.0 mL Timed Urine 5.0 mL Timed Urine Record volume and time 7 Days Refrigerate No 82150 No Established Range Quest Sendout 5-7 days
AMYLASE,RANDOM URINE AMYU Random urine 7 Days Refrigerate No 82150 Quest 5-7 days
ANA ANA SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86038 Negative Quest Sendout 1-2 days IFA
ANDROSTENEDIONE ANDRO Plain Red EDTA 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Early AM specimen preferred 7 Days Refrigerate No 82157 See Report Quest Sendout 7 days LC/MS/MS
ANGIOTENSIN-1-CONVERTING ENZYME ANGI SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82164 Age Dependent U/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days Kinetic
ANTI-GLOMERULAR BASEMENT MEMBRANE GLOAB SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83520 <1.0 AI Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
ANTI-MITOCONDRIAL AB MITAB SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86255 See Report Units Quest Sendout 1-2 days Indirect IA
ANTI-SMOOTH MUSCLE AB SMAB SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86255 See Report Quest Sendout 1-2 days ELISA
ANTI-THROMBIN III AT3 Citrate Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line FREEZE PLASMA Plasma only stable for 6 hours at Room Temperature 7 Days Refrigerate No 85300 Age Dependent % activity Quest Sendout 1-2 days Chromogenic
ANTIBODY SCREEN ABSCR Pink EDTA 6.0 mL 3.0 mL Use Blood Bank Identification Number if for transfusion *If no hx of pregnancy or transfusion, tube must be less than 5 days old, If hx of pregnancy or transfusion, tube must be less than 3 days old 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 86850 Negative MCH Upon Arrival within 2 hours Gel
APOLIPOPROTEIN B APOLIPB SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 12 Hr Fast Required Fasting 12 hours recommended 7 Days Refrigerate No 82172 49-109 mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Nephelometry
APOLIPOPROTEIN EVALUATION APOEVAL SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 12 Hr Fast Required 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Age Dependent mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Nephelometric
ARBOVIRUS PANEL ARBO Plain Red & CSF 8.5 mL and CSF 3.5 mL and CSF EEE PANEL/ WNV PANEL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days
ARSENIC,BLOOD ARS Royal Blue EDTA 8.0 mL 2.0 mL SUBMIT WHOLE SPECIMEN no shellfish or bottom feeders for 3 days 7 Days Refrigerate No 82175 <23 mcg/L Quest Sendout 3 days ICP/MS
ARSENIC,URINE ARSU 24 hr urine-Acid Wash metal free 10.0 mL from 24 hour urine 5.0mL from 24 hour urine SUBMIT WHOLE SPECIMEN no shellfish or bottom feeders for 3 days 5 Days Refrigerate No 82175 mcg/L Quest Sendout 3 days ICP/MS
ASHKENAZI JEWISH PANEL ASHKP EDTA 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Pt. Ethnicity required 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 6-8 days PCR
ASO ANTIBODY ASO SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86060 Age Dependent IU/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Immunoturbidimetric
AST/SGOT AST SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 84450 Age Dependent U/L MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Multiple-point rate
B. HENSELAE ABS G/M BEHNGM SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Negative/Titre Quest Sendout 1-2 days IFA
Babesia microti Antibodies (IgG, IgM), IFA BABX SST 5 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No Quest 5-7 days
Bacterial Vaginosis/Vaginitis Panel BVVPX Vaginal swab sumbitted in AFFIRM VPIII ATTS must be received at MCH lab the same day of collection Room Temperature No Quest 3-5 days
BASIC METABOLIC PANEL BMP SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 4 Days Refrigerate Yes 80048 See Report CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24 hours most colorimetric
BCR-ABL1 Gene Rearrangement, Quantitative, PCR BCRALBX EDTA 6 mL whole blood collected in an EDTA (lavender-top) tube 72 hours Refrigerate, Room Temperature No Quest
BETA 2 MICROGLOBULIN B2MIC SST PST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL call lab for special instructions for urine handling Fasting preferred 7 Days Refrigerate No 82232 < or = 2.51 mg/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days Nephelometric
Beta-hCG, Quantitatve (Tumor Marker) SST PST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 84702 <5 mIU/mL IU/L CMC Sendout 1-2 days IA
BETAHYDROXYBUTYRATE BETAHYD SST EDTA 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Only stable for 8 hours at Room Temperature 7 Days Refrigerate No 82010 See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days Enzymatic
BILE ACIDS BILE SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Overnight fasting 7 Days Refrigerate No 83789 See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
BILIRUBIN-DIRECT BILD SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL protect from light 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82248 Age Dependent mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
BILIRUBIN, TOTAL BILIT SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL protect from light 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82247 0.2-1.3 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
BLOOD GASES ABG Arterial sample drawn by MCH arterial blood gas arterial blood gas Room Temperature Yes 82805 MCH Upon Arrival done by Respiratory Dept
BLOOD TYPE-ABO&RH ABORH Pink EDTA 6.0 mL 3.0 mL Use Blood Bank Identification Number if for transfusion *If no hx of pregnancy or transfusion, tube must be less than 5 days old, If hx of pregnancy or transfusion, tube must be less than 3 days old 3 - 5 days Refrigerate Yes PANEL See Report MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Gel
BUN (UREA NITROGEN) BUN SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 5 Days Refrigerate Yes 84520 20-Jul mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
C REACTIVE PROTEIN TOTAL CRPT SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 86140 <10 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Fixed-point Immuno-rate
C-PEPTIDE CPEP SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Fasting 7 Days Frozen after separation No 84681 0.8-3.1 ng/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
C1 ESTERASE INHIBITOR (NONFUNCT) C1EST SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Chill while clotting, spin and separate serum 7 Days Refrigerate No 86160 11-23 mg/dL mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Nephelometric
C1Q COMPLEMENT COMPONENT C1Q SST EDTA 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86160 5.0-8.6 mg/dL Quest Sendout 5-7 days RID
C2 COMPLEMENT COMPONENT COMPC2 SST EDTA 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86160 1.6-3.5 mcg/dL Quest Sendout 5-7 days RID
C3 COMPLEMENT C3 SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Fasting preferred 7 Days Refrigerate No 86160 90-180 mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Immunoturbidimetric
C4 COMPLEMENT C4 SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Fasting preferred 7 Days Refrigerate No 86160 16-47 mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Immunoturbidimetric
CA 15-3 CA153 SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86300 <32 U/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
CA 19-9 CA199 SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86301 <37 U/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
CA 27,29 CA2729 SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86300 <38 U/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
CA-125 CA125 SST Plain Red 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86304 < or = 20 U/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
CADMIUM, BLOOD CAD Royal Blue EDTA 8.0 mL 4.0 mL submit whole blood no shellfish or bottom feeders for 3 days 5 Days Refrigerate No 82300 See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days ICP/MS
CADMIUM,URINE CADU Random urine-Metal Free Container 7.0 mL 5.0 mL no shellfish or bottom feeders for 3 days 7 Days Refrigerate No 82300+82570 5.0 or less mcg/L Quest Sendout 3-5 days ICP/MS
CALCITONIN CALCIT SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Fasting preferred 24 Hours Refrigerate No 82308 Age Dependent pg/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
CALCIUM, IONIZED CAI SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Do Not open tube 7 Days Refrigerate No 82330 Age Dependent mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days ISE
CALCIUM, TOTAL URINE CAU 24 hr urine 10.0 mL from 24 hour urine 2.0mL from 24 hour urine 7 Days Refrigerate No 82340 Age Dependent mg/24hr Quest Sendout 1-2 days Colorimetric
CALCIUM,TOTAL SERUM CA SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82310 8.4-10.2 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
CARBOXYHEMOGLOBIN CARBOXY EDTA 4.0 mL 2.0 mL done by Respiratory Dept. 5 Days Refrigerate Yes 82375 See Report MCH Upon Arrival within an hour
CARDIOLIPIN AB PANEL CARDAB SST Citrate 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-2 days Enzymatic IA
CARNITINE CARN Plain Red SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Spin and separate serum immediately 5 Days Refrigerate No 82379 Age Dependent Umol/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days Spectrophotometry
CAROTENE,SERUM CARO SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Protect from light 6 Days Refrigerate No 82380 Age Dependent ug/dL Quest Sendout 3-5 days HPLC
CATECHOLAMINES,FRACT-URINE CATU 24 hr Urine - No Preservative 10.0 mL from 24 hour urine 5.0mL from 24 hour urine Lab to acidify urine after collection Instructions: It is preferable for the patient to be off medications for 3 days before specimen collection. However, common antihypertensives (diuretics, ACEinhibitors, calcium channel blockers, alpha and betablockers) cause minimal or no interference. Patients should avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco (including useof nicotine patch), bananas, citrus fruits, and strenuous exercise before collection. 7 Days Refrigerate No 82384+82570 Age Dependent mcg/24hr Quest Sendout 3-5 days HPLC
CBC CBC EDTA 4.0 mL 2.0 mL INVERT 10 TIMES TO MIX 24 Hours Refrigerate 0 85027 See Report MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours varies
CBC WITH DIFF CBCD EDTA 4.0 mL 2.0 mL INVERT 10 TIMES TO MIX 24 Hours Refrigerate 0 85025 See Report MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours varies
CEA CEA SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 48 hours Refrigerate No 82378 0.0-5.0 ng/mL CMC Sendout within 24 hours Immunometric
CELIAC ANTIBODY PANEL CEL SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-2 days Enzymatic IA
CELL CT, BODY FLUID WITH DIFF CLCT EDTA 4.0 mL 1.0 mL put fluid into EDTA tube and mix well 24 Hours Refrigerate Yes 89051 See Report MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours varies
CENTROMERE AB CENTRO SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86038 < 1.0 AI:Negative Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
CERULOPLASMIN CERUL SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82390 Age Dependent mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Nephrometric
CHLAMYDIA ,GEN PROBE, EYE CHLE Special Media VCM N/A N/A No 4966x See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days DFA
CHLAMYDIA AB PANEL CHLAB SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Separate from clot within 4 hours of draw 7 Days Refrigerate No 86631x3 See Report Quest Sendout 1-2 days Immunofluorescence
CHLORIDE, BLOOD CL SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82435 97-110 nmoL/L MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Potentiometric
CHLORIDE, URINE CHLU Urine container 10.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82436 See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days ISE
CHOLESTEROL-TOTAL CHOL SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 3 Days Refrigerate No 82465 < 200 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hour Colorimetric
CHOLINESTERASE CHOLIN SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82480 See Report IU/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days Kinetic Spectrophotometric
CHROMATIN AB CHROM SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 4 Days Refrigerate No 86235 <1.0(Negative) AI Negative Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
CHROMOGRAININ A CHRGAX Plain Red 10.0 mL 5.0 mL specimen to be drawn only at the MCH lab. Collect blood in a plain red-top serum vacutainer tube. Allow blood to clot at room temperature. Centrifuge and separate the serum from the cells immediately. Do not store refrigerated. PLAIN RED TUBE ONLY; REJECT: Unspun red-top tubes • Serum separator tubes (SST) 7 Days Room Temperature No Quest Sendout 5-7 days
CHROMOSOME ANAL, HIGH RESOLUTION CHRHR Sodium Heparin 10.0 mL 5.0 mL Submit whole blood, do not open tube Keep at room temp, do not refrigerate 1 Day Room Temperature No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 10-15 days Analysis/Tissue Culture
CHROMOSOME ANALYSIS, HEMATOLOGIC MALIGNANCY CHRHM Sodium Heparin Bone Marrow 3.0 mL 1.0 mL Submit whole blood, do not open tube Keep at room temp, do not refrigerate 1 Day Room Temperature No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 8-10 days Culture/Karotype/Micros
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)/Lymphoma Diagnostic Panel CLLDXPX EDTA 5 mL collected in an EDTA (lavender-top) tube 3 mL The tube must be kept at room temperature and shipped to the lab immediately 72 hours Room Temperature No See Report Quest Flow Cytometry
CITRATE-URINE CITU STONE RISK 24 hr urine collection kit kit kit Refrigerate No 82507 100-300 mg/24hr Quest Sendout 1-3 days SP/Enzymatic
CK ISOENZYME PANEL CK ISO SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 5 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-2 days Electrophoresis
CK-MB CKMB SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 5 Days Refrigerate Yes 82553 <5.3 ng/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 2 hours Immunometric
CLOMIPRAMINE (ANAFRANIL) CLOM Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Spin and separate serum within 2 hours of draw 3 Days Refrigerate No 83789 See Report mcg/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days LC/MS/MS
CLONAZEPAM (KLONOPIN) CLON Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Spin and separate serum within 2 hours of draw 3 Days Refrigerate No 80154 30-62 mcg/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days LC/MS/MS
Clostridium difficile toxin (A&B) CDIFFX Clean Container Stool must be soft or liquid. Formed stool is unacceptable for testing. Refrigerated = 5 days, room temperature = 24 hours No CMC
CLOTEST -H PYLORI CLO Collected by surgeon Special collection kit Special collection kit SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO LAB Collected by surgeon 4 Hours Room Temperature No 87081 Negative MCH Upon Arrival 24 hours Colorimetric
CMV Ab IGM CMVM SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 3 Days Refrigerate No 86645 <0.90 no Ab detected Enzyme IA Quest Sendout 3-5 days
CMV-IGG CMVG SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 3 Days Refrigerate No 86644 <0.90 no Ab detected Enzyme IA Quest Sendout 3-5 days
CO2, BLOOD CO2 SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 82374 22-32 mmol/L MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Enzymatic Endpoint
COENZYME Q10 COEQ10 SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Protect from Light Fasting 7 Days Frozen after separation No 82491 0.44-1.64 mg/L Quest Sendout 3-5 days HPLC
COMPLEMENT TOTAL (CH50) CH50 Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Separate and freeze within 1 hour 7 Days Frozen after separation No 86162 31-60 U/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Colorimetric
COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL CMP SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 4 Days Refrigerate Yes 80053 varies CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24 hours varies
COPPER, BLOOD COP Royal Blue Serum 6.0 mL 3.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82525 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 3-5 days Atomic Spectroscopy
COPPER,24 HR URINE COPU Acid Washed 24 hr container 7.0 mL from 24 hour urine 3.0 mL from 24 hour urine 5 Days Refrigerate No 82525 15-60 mcg/24hr Quest Sendout 1-2 days ICP/MS
CORD BLOOD STUDY CD EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL 5 Days Refrigerate Yes See Report MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Gel
CORTISOl, FREE URINE CORTU 24 hr Urine - No Preservative 5.0 mL from 24 hour urine 2.0 mL from 24 hour urine 7 Days Refrigerate No 82530 See Report Quest Sendout 1 week LC/MS/MS
CORTISOL,FREE CORTFR Plain Red EDTA 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82530 See Report Quest Sendout 1 week LC/MS/MS
CORTISOL,SERUM CORT SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82533 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
CPK (CREATINE KINASE)-TOTAL CK SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82550 Age Dependent U/L MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Multiple-point rate
CREATININE CLEARANCE CRCL 24 hr Urine AND PST 24 hr Urine and SST 24 hr Urine and 3.5 mL pst 24 hr Urine and 1.5 mL pst 7 Days Refrigerate No 82575 Sex Dependent mL/min MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
CREATININE, BLOOD CREAT SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82565 Sex Dependent mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
CREATININE,URINE CREATU 24 hr urine 24 hr urine 5.0 mL from 24 hour urine 2.0 mL from 24 hour urine 7 Days Refrigerate No 82570 Sex Dependent mg/24hr MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
CRP-CARDIO (ALSO CALLED HS-CRP) CARDCRP SST EDTA 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 86141 0.10-15.0 mg/L MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
CRYOGLOBULINS CRYO Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Separate from clot within 30 min. of draw 3 Days Room Temperature No 82595 None Detected Quest Sendout 5-7 days Cold Precipitation
CRYPTOCOCCAL AG CRY SST CSF 4.0 mL serum 2.0 mL serum Must be spun within 1 hour after collection 3 Days Refrigerate No 86403 Not Detected Quest Sendout 1-2 days Latex Agglutination
CRYSTALS, BODY FLUID CRYS EDTA 4.5 mL 1.0 mL put fluid into EDTA tube and mix well Deliver to lab immediately 2 Days Room Temperature Yes 89060 None Detected MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Microscopy
CSF IGG SYNTHESIS PANEL CSFIGG Plain Red AND CSF 8.5 mL and CSF 3.5 mL and CSF 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-2 days NEPH
Culture, Anaerobic (with Aerobic culturette) CANAX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) sterile hub capped syringe, Sterile Plain Red Top tube Anaerobic culture must be accompanied with Aerobic culture Sterile hub capped syringe, Sterile Plain Red Top, Starswab II, Copan ESwab 24 Hours Must be received at Room Temp No CMC Sendout 5-7 days culture, incubation
Culture, Blood CBLDX 1 Aerobic AND 1 Anaerobic bottle. OR 1 Pedi bottle Adult: 8 - 10 mL per bottle. Pedi: 5 mL per bottle Adult: 3 mL per bottle. Pedi: 1 mL per bottle 1 order collection set includes 1 Aerobic and 1 Anaerobic bottle OR 1 Pedi Bottle. Usually ordered x2. Cleanse selected site with 70% isopropyl alcohol pad, Prep skin with iodine or chloraprep, use sterile technique to innoculate bottles, Usually drawn from 2 sites, 15 minutes apart. 24 Hours Room Temperature No 87040 NEGATIVE after 5 days. CMC Sendout 5 days Continuous Fluorescent Algorithm Culture monitor system
Culture, Catheter Tip CCATHX Sterile Container 5 cm of distal tip in sterile container 8 Hours Room Temperature No CMC Sendout 5-7 days
Culture, Chlamydia Trachomatis CCHLMX VCM Medium (Green Cap) Place swab into VCM and transport the specimens to the laboratory as soon as possible. Best recovery is obtained when the specimens are refrigerated at 2-8°C prior to shipment. 48 hours Refrigerate No Quest 7-10 days
Culture, Cornea, with Gram Stain CCORX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, CSF, with Gram Stain CCSFX CSF container All gram stains are performed STAT at MCH 24 Hours, ASAP Room Temperature Yes CMC, MCH 3-5 days
Culture, Fluid, Aerobic & Anaerobic, with Gram Stain CBFX Sterile Container Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Fungal (Misc. source) CFUNX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap), Sterile Container 48 hours Refrigerate No CMC 4 weeks
Culture, Fungal, Blood CFUNBX BD BACTEC Myco/F Lytic Culture Vials 3 - 5 mL 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC
Culture, Fungal, source = skin, hair or nail CFUNSKX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap), Sterile Container 48 hours Refrigerate No CMC 4 weeks
Culture, Genital, with Gram Stain CGENX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) Swabs submitted in non-gel based system or those that have been refrigerated will not be evaluated for Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Group A Strep CGPAX Copan Liquid Stuart Swab (RED CAP) 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Group B Strep CGPBX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) 48 hours Room Temperature No CMC 2-3 days
Culture, Nasal (Nose) CNASX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC
Culture, Neisseria gonorrhoeae CGCX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) Non-gel swabs are UNACCEPTABLE for Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Respiratory, with Gram Stain CRESPX Sterile Container 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Stool CSTLX Para-Pak C&S container (Orange Cap) Sterile container Unpreserved specimen must be put into Para-Pak C&S container (Orange Cap) within 4 hours of collection Includes screen for the following pathogens: Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter & Shiga-toxin producing E. coli 4 hours in unpreserved sterile container, 96 hours in Para-Pak C&S container (Orange Cap) Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Synovial Fluid, with Gram Stain CBFX Sterile Container 24 Hours, ASAP Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Throat CTHRX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) 48 hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Urine CURNX Urine C&S Preservative Tube (Grey Cap) Sterile container preserved specimen = 48 hours at refrigerated or room temperature, unpreserved specimen = 24 hours refrigerated No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Viral Profile 1, includes Herpes simplex/Varicella zoster virus Rapid Culture, Adenovirus Culture, Cytomegalovirus Rapid Culture CULVIRX VCM Media unacceptable specimen: skin source or CSF fluid 48 hours Refrigerate No Quest 5-7 days
Culture, VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus) CVREX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) Perirectal Swab 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Wound, Deep, Aerobic and Anaerobic, with Gram Stain CWNDANX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) 48 hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
Culture, Wound, Superficial, Aerobic Only, with Gram Stain CWNDX Copan ESwab (White Cap), Starswab (White Cap) 48 hours Room Temperature No CMC 3-5 days
CYCLIC CITRINULLINATED PEPTIDE CCP SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86200 <20 Units Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
CYCLOSPORINE CYCLO EDTA Sodium Heparin 5.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80158 100-300 ng/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days LC/MS/MS
CYSTIC FIBROSIS CARRIER SCREEN CF EDTA 4.0 mL 3.0 mL Keep at room temperature Requires information form to be submitted with specimen 7 Days Room Temperature No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days OLA/PCR
Cytology (MED) Specimens – Body Fluids: pleural, peritoneal, pericardial, ascites, thoracentesis evacuated glass container or specimen cup Refrigerate No CMC
Cytology (MED) Specimens – Brushings urine cup Fixative: Cytolyte or sterile saline Refrigerated (saline), Room temperature (cytolyt) No CMC
Cytology (MED) Specimens – Fine needle aspirates plastic slide holders (glass slides), urine cup Fixaitve: Cytolyte Room Temperature No CMC
Cytology (MED) Specimens – Urine urine cup Refrigerate No CMC
Cytology (MED) Specimens – Washings specimen container Refrigerate No CMC
D DIMER DDIM2 Citrate Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line tube must be completely filled Centrifuge immediately and separate plasma from cells 4 Hours Refrigerate Yes 85362 <500 ng/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours ELFA
DESIPRAMINE ONLY DESIMI Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80160 50-300 mcg/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days LC/MS/MS
DHEA DHEA Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82626 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 5-7 days LC/MS/MS
DHEA-SO4 DHEAS SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82627 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
DIAZEPAM AND METABOLITES DIAZ Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80154 See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days LC/MS/MS
DIGOXIN DIG SST 3.5 mL 1.5mL Provide date and time of last dose 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 80162 0.4-4.0 ng/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Multiple-point rate
DILANTIN (PHENYTOIN),TOTAL DIL SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL Provide date and time of last dose 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 80185 3.0-40.0 ug/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Multiple-point rate
DILANTIN, FREE DILF Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL ORDER SEPARATELY FROM TOTAL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80186 1.0-2.0 mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
DIRECT COOMBS DC Pink EDTA 6.0 mL 3.0 mL 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 86880 Negative MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Gel
DNA (ds) Antibody, Crithidia IFA with Reflex to Titer DNADSCR Plain Red SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86255 See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days Indirect IA
DNA ANTIBODY-DOUBLE STRANDED DNADS SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86225 < or = 4 IU/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
DNASE B ANTIBODY DNASEB SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86215 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 3-5 days Nephelometry
DOXEPIN DOX Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80166 110-250 mcg/L Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
DRAW, BAND AND HOLD – BLOOD BANK SPECIMEN BBHOLD Pink 6.0 mL 3.0 mL Must have Blood Bank ID number and band 3 Days Refrigerate Yes - MCH Upon Arrival within 2 hours
EEE VIRUS ANTIBODY PANEL EEEPAN SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86652 See Report titres Quest Sendout 5-7 days Indirect IA
Ehrlichia chaffeensis (IgG, IgM) & Anaplasma phagocytophilum (IgG, IgM) Antibody Panel EHRLP SST 5.0 mL Refrigerate No Quest Sendout 7-10 days IFA
ELECTROLYTES LYTES SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL All EXCEPT CO2 are stable for 7 days 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 80051 varies MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours varies
ENDOMYSIAL AB ENDO SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86255 Negative >1:5 Quest Sendout 1-2 days IFA
EOSINOPHIL COUNT EOCT EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL 2 Days Refrigerate Yes 85048 0.0-0.4 eos 1000/mm³ MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Sysmex Absolute Count
EOSINOPHIL SMEAR EOSMEAR NASAL SWAB nasal swab nasal swab 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 89190 None Seen MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Microscopy
EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS IGG/IGM PANL EBVGM SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Not Detected Quest Sendout 1-2 days PCR
ERYTHROPOIETIN EPO SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL COLLECT SAMPLE BETWEEN 730 AM-12 NOON 7 Days Refrigerate No 82668 Age Dependent mIU/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
ESTRADIOL (E2) ESTRAX SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82670 Sex Dependent pg/mL Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
ESTRIOL ESTRIOL Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82677 Sex Dependent ng/mL Quest Sendout 7-10 days LC/MS/MS
Estrogen, Total, Serum SST 5.0 mL Refrigerate No Quest
ESTRONE ESTRONE Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82679 Sex Dependent pg/mL Quest Sendout 7-10 days LC/MS/MS
FACTOR V LEIDEN PANEL LEID EDTA 5.0 mL 3.5 mL Must be kept at room temperature 7 Days Room Temperature No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days Invader Assay/Signal Amp.
FACTOR VIII ACTIVITY FAC8 Citrate Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line FROZEN PLASMA 5 Days Frozen after separation No 85240 50-180 %of normal Quest Sendout 1-2 days
FAT, FECAL RANDOM QUAL FAT Sterile Container FROZEN 2.0 g stool 1.0 g stool 5 Days Frozen No 82705 See Report Quest Sendout 1-2 days Sudan Stain
FATS,TOTAL FECAL-72 HR FATS 72 hr fecal fat container entire container entire container keep refrigerated during collection Can be 24 hr, 48hr, or 72 hr collection 5 Days Frozen No 82710 <7 grams/24hr Quest Sendout 7-10 days NMR
FELBAMATE FELBA Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 5 Days Refrigerate No 80299 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days HPLC
FERRITIN FERR PST (Green top) SST 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Separated specimens are stable for 8 hours at room temperature and 7 days at 2 – 8 °C Refrigerate Yes 82728 Female: 8 – 252 ng/mL; Male: 26 – 388 ng/mL ng/mL CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 1 hour Enzyme IA
FETAL FIBRONECTIN FFN Special collection kit Special collection kit Special collection kit 3 Days Room Temperature Yes 82731 Negative MCH Upon Arrival within 2 hours Immunochromatographic
FETAL SCREEN FETSCR Pink EDTA 6.0 mL 3.0 mL 3 Days Refrigerate No 85461 Negative MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Acid-elution
FIBRINOGEN FIB Citrate Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 85384 181-409 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Optical Detection
FLECAINIDE FLEC Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80299 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days LC/MS/MS
FOLATE SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 8 Hours Refrigerated Refrigerate No See Report CMC Sendout 1-2 days
FOLATES, RBC RBCFOL EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL Protect EDTA tube from light 5 Days Refrigerate, Room Temperature No 82747 85014 > 280 ng/mL RBC Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
FOLIC ACID,SERUM FOL SST PST 3.5 mL 2.0mL 4 Days Refrigerate No 82746 >=14.1 ng/mL CMC Sendout within 24 hours Competitive binding assay
FRAGILE X STUDY (PANEL) FRAGX EDTA x2 AND Sodium Heparin 5.0 mL each tube 5.0 mL each tube Must be kept at room temperature 7 Days Room Temperature No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days Multiple Methods
FRUCTOSAMINE FRUC SST EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82985 190-270 Umol/L Quest Sendout 3-5 days Colorimetric
FSH TO QUEST FSH SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83001 Sex Dependent mIU/mL Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
FTA-ABS FTA SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86781 Nonreactive Quest Sendout 3-5 days Indirect IA
GABAPENTIN (NEURONTIN) GABA EDTA 4.5 mL 3.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80299 2.7-4.1 mcg/mL Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
GABITRIL (tiagabine) GABIT Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80299 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days LC/MS/MS
Gastric Parietal Cell Antibody, ELISA GPCABX Plain Red SST 1 mL serum from a red top (no additive ) tube. Serum Separator tube (SST) is also accepted. 14 days refrigerated Refrigerate No Quest 3-5 days
GASTRIN GAST SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Room Temperature No 82941 100 or less pg/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
GENTAMICIN-PEAK GENTP SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 80170 4------8 ug/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
GENTAMICIN-RANDOM GENTR SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 80170 See Report ug/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
GENTAMICIN-TROUGH GENT SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 80170 <2.00 ug/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
GGT (GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE) GGT SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82977 Age Dependent U/L Quest Sendout 1-2 days Spectrophotometric
GLIADIN ANTIBODIES GLIA SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83520 x2 83516 x2 <20 units Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
GLUCOSE – 1 HR POST GLUCOLA 1HRPP SST PST or Gray top 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82950 < or = 134 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
GLUCOSE TOL, 3HR GESTATIONAL GTTGEST SST PST or Gray top 3.5 mL 1.5mL Must be scheduled through lab office 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
GLUCOSE TOLERANCE, NON GEST. GTTNON SST and Urine in clean containter PST or Gray top 3.5 mL 1.5mL Must be scheduled through lab office 7 Days Refrigerate No See Report mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
GLUCOSE-2 HR PP 2HRPP SST PST or Gray top 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82947 < = 154 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE G6PD EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82955 4.6-13.5 U/g hgb Quest Sendout 3-5 days Kinetic
GLUCOSE-FASTING FBS SST PST or Gray top 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82947 74-99 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
GLUCOSE-MISC FLUID GLUFLD Fluid in Plain Red 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82945 not established mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
GLUCOSE, BLOOD GLU SST PST or Gray top 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82947 74-99 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
GLUCOSE, CAPILLARY CAPGLU CAPILLARY SPECIMEN min and max lines on vial min and max lines on vial 82948 MCH
GROWTH HORMONE, BLOOD GH SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83003 < or = 10.0 ng/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
H PYLORI AB HPA SST No longer available to order 7 Days Refrigerate No 86677 Quest Batched 3-5 days Immunoassay
H PYLORI ANTIGEN, STOOL HPYS-ST Sterile Container 2.0 mL stool 0.5 mL stool Patients should be off Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI), antibiotics, or bismuth for two weeks before specimen collection. 3 Days Refrigerate No 87338 Not Detected Quest Sendout 5-7 days Enzyme IA
HALDOL (HALDOPERIDOL) HAL Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80173 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days LC/MS/MS
HAPTOGLOBIN TO QUEST HAPT SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83010 43-212 mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Nephelometry
HCG QUALITATIVE PREG PST SST or Urine 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 84703 Negative MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Chromatographic IA
HCG, QUALITATIVE URINE PREGUR Urine container 10.0 mL 1.0 mL 2 Days Refrigerate Yes 84703 Negative MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Chromatographic IA
HCG,QUANTITATIVE HCGQ SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 5 Days Refrigerate Yes 84702 < or = 2.39 mIU/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours IA
HDL CHOLESTEROL HDL SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 3 Days Refrigerate No 83718 5-110 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
HEAVY METALS (LEAD,ARS,MERC)PANEL HM Royal blue with EDTA Royal blue with Heparin 6.0 mL 3.0 mL Panel includes Arsenic, Lead and Mercury Patient should refrain from eating seafood and taking herbal supplements for at least 3 days before specimen collection. 5 Days Refrigerate No Panel 7655 varies Quest Sendout 5-7 days varies
HEAVY METALS (LEAD,ARS,MERC)PANEL, URINE HMU 24 hour urine in metal free container do not aliquot, Submit whole specimen 5.0 mL from 24 hour urine 2.6 mL from 24 hour urine Panel includes Arsenic, Lead and Mercury Patient should refrain from eating seafood and taking herbal supplements for at least 3 days before specimen collection. 5 Days Refrigerate No varies Quest Sendout 5-7 days varies
HEMATOCRIT ONLY HCT EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL may be refrigerated 24 Hours Refrigerate Yes 85014 Sex Dependent % MCH Upon Arrival within 2 hours Sysmex calculation
HEMOGLOBIN A1C GLYCO EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL may be refrigerated 7 Days Refrigerate No 83036 4.0-6.3 % of total CMC 1-3 days HPLC
HEMOGLOBIN A2 HEBA2 EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83021 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 3-5 days HPLC
HEMOGLOBIN ONLY HGB EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL may be refrigerated 24 Hours Refrigerate Yes 85018 Sex Dependent gm/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 2 hours Sysmex Photometric
HEMOGLOBINOPATHY PANEL HGBEL EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No Panel varies Quest Sendout 5-7 days varies
HEMOSIDERIN (QUAL) HEMOS Urine-Random 30 mL first am urine 20 mL first am urine adjust pH 7 Days Refrigerate No 83070 none detected Quest Sendout 3-5 days Microscopy
HEP C GENOTYPE LIPA HCVGENO EDTA SST 4.5 mL 2.0 mL FROZEN PLASMA 3 Days Frozen No 87902 See Report IU/mL Quest Sendout 5-7 days LPA, Room Temperature-PCR
HEPATIC FUNCTION PANEL HFP SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 4 Days Refrigerate Yes 80076 See Report varies CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24 hours varies
HEPATITIS A IGM HEPAM SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86709 non-reactive Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
HEPATITIS A WITH REFLX TO IGM HEPA SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86708 non-reactive Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
HEPATITIS B CORE IGM HBCOR M SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86705 non-reactive Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
HEPATITIS B S AG HBSAG SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 2 Days Refrigerate No 87340 0.9 units MCH Batched 1-3 days IA
HEPATITIS B S ANTIBODY HBSAB SST Plain Red 3.5 mL 1.5mL 2 Days Refrigerate No 86706 See Report mIU/mL MCH Batched 1-3 days IA
Hepatitis B Virus DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR HBVDNAX EDTA collect 2 lavender EDTA tubes (4.0 mL x 2) Freshly drawn specimens (whole blood) may be stored at 2-25C for up to 24 hours prior to centrifugation. Separate plasma from cells within 24 hours of collection by centrifugation. No Quest
HEPATITIS C AB HEPCAB SST Plain Red 3.5 mL 1.5mL 2 Days Refrigerate No 86803 <0.89 units MCH Batched 1-3 days IA
Hepatitis C Viral RNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR HEPCQ SST 5.0 mL 5.0 mL 3 Days Frozen No 87522 See Report IU/mL Quest Sendout 3-5 days Real Time-PCR
HEPATITIS PANEL (A,B,C) HEPPNL SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 2 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report MCH Batched 1-3 days varies
HEPATITIS-B CORE AB HEPB CO SST Plain Red 3.5 mL 1.5mL 2 Days Refrigerate No 86704 Negative s/c MCH Batched 1-3 days Compet
HEREDITARY HEMOCHROMATOSIS PANEL HEMOH EDTA 4.5 mL 3.0 mL 7 Days Room Temperature No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days PCR-FRFLP
HERPES AB PANEL IGM HSVM SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86694 See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days IA
HERPES IGG TYPES I AND II HSVAB SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-2 days IA
HISTAMINE, PLASMA HIST EDTA 4.5 mL 3.0 mL CENTRIFUGE AND FREEZE IMMEDIATELY 2 Days Frozen No 83088 See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days IA
HIV 1 RNA BY PCR, QUANT HIVQRNA EDTA 4.5 mL 3.0 mL 5 Days Refrigerate No 87536 See Report copies/mL Quest Sendout 1-2 days Real Time-PCR
HIV 1/2 SCREEN HIV SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 4 Days Refrigerate No 86702 CMC Sendout 1-3 days Chemilumenescent
HLA B27 HLAB27 Sodium Heparin EDTA 5.0 mL whole blood 2.0 mL whole blood Keep at Room Temperature 7 Days Room Temperature No 86812 Negative Quest Sendout 1-3 days Flow Cytometry
HOMOCYSTEINE HOMO PST (Green top) Keep specimen on ice after collection; centrifuge within 30 minutes; aliquot and refrigerate plasma after centrifuge 7 Days Refrigerate No 83090 Sex Dependent umol/L CMC Sendout 1-3 days IA
HPV (VIRAPAP) HPV Virapap kit Thin prep kit kit kit 7 Days Room Temperature No 87621x2 See Report Quest Sendout 1-3 days Hybrid Capture
HYPERSENSITIVITY PNEUMONITIS PANEL HYPPNEU SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 3 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Negative Quest Sendout 5-7 days Immunodiffusion
IGA, IMMUNOGLOBULIN A IGA SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Fasting Required 7 Days Refrigerate No 82784 Age Dependent mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Immunoturbidimetric
IGE (IMMUNOGLOBULIN E) IGE SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82785 <168 ng/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
IGG SUBCLASS PANEL IGGPAN SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Overnight Fasting Preferred 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Age Dependent mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Nephelometric
IGG, IMMUNOGLOBULIN G IGG SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Fasting Preferred 7 Days Refrigerate No 82784 Age Dependent mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Immunoturbidimetric
IGG, SUBCLASS 1 IGG SUB1 SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Fasting Preferred 7 Days Refrigerate No 82787 Age Dependent mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Nephelometric
IGM, IMMUNOGLOBULIN M IGM SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Fasting Preferred 7 Days Refrigerate No 82784 Age Dependent mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Immunoturbidimetric
IMIPRAMINE/DESIMIPRAMIN IMI Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80174 150-250 mcg/L Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
IMMUNOFIXATION, SERUM IMMFIX SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86334 See Report Quest Sendout 1-3 days Immunofixation
IMMUNOGLOBULINS GAM PANEL GAM SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Fasting Preferred 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Age Dependent mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Immunoturbidimetric
Influenzae (FLU) A/B Screen INFAB BD BBL CultureSwab Liquid Stuart (GREEN CAP) Freshly collected specimens should be processed and tested immediately. If necessary, specimens may be stored at 2–8 °C for up to 72 hours. Yes MCH same day
INHIBIN A INHA SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86336 Sex Dependent pg/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
INSULIN,TOTAL INS Plain Red SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83525 <17 uIU/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
INTACT PARATHYROID HORMONE (iPTH) iPTH EDTA 4.0 mL 2.0 mL centrifuge and separate plasma from cells within 2 hours ; plasma is stable for 8 hr@Room Temp; 3 days@2-8 degrees submit 1 lavender EDTA tube; specimen cannot be shared with other lab tests 3 Days Refrigerate No 83970 11.1-79.5 pg/mL CMC Sendout 1-3 days Immunometric
INTRINSIC FACTOR BL. AB IFAB SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86340 Negative Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
Iodine, Serum/Plasma IODSX Royal Blue Serum Royal blue with EDTA 1 mL serum collected in a no additive (royal blue-top) tube, or plasma collected in an EDTA (royal blue-top) tube separate plasma or serum from cells and pour off into an acid washed vial or other trace element free container Refrigerate No Quest 3-5 days
IRON,TOTAL FE SST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83540 Sex Dependent ug/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
IRON/TIBC (PANEL) FE/TIBC SST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL 250-400 ug/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
JAK2 V617F Pyrosequencing JAK2X EDTA 4.0 mL 3.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate, Room Temperature No Quest 5-7 days PCR
JO-1 ANTIBODY JO1 SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86235 <1.0 IA Negative Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
KAPPA AND LEMBDA LIGHT CHAIN K/L SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Immunoturbidimetric
KLEIHAUER-BETKE TEST K/B Pink EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Keep at room temperature 3 Days Room Temperature Yes 85460 Negative CMC Sendout within 24 hours Microscopy
LACTIC ACID LA Gray top 4.0 mL 2.0 mL Spin and remove plasma within 15 minutes Collect venous specimen without tourniquet or immediately after tourniquet application. Remove tourniquet immediately. Specimens must be collected in tubes that are at least half full. Smaller volumes can result in negative biases. refrigerated, separated plasma stable for 6 days Yes 83605 0.7-1.9 mmol/L MCH Upon Arrival within 1 hour Colorimetric
LAMOTRAGINE (LAMICTAL) LAMO Plain Red EDTA Separate serum or plasma from cells within 1 hour of collection. 5 Days Refrigerate No 80175 2.5 to 15.0 mcg/mL mcg/mL Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
LDH LDH SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 24 Hours Refrigerate Yes 83615 313-618 U/L MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Multiple-point rate
LDL DIRECT MEASURE LDL SST PST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 3 Days Refrigerate No 83721 Sex Dependent mg/dL CMC Sendout within 24 hours Endpoint
LEAD LEAD Tan K2 EDTA Royal blue with EDTA 3 mL 0.5 mL 5 Days Refrigerate No 83655 Age Dependent ug/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Atomic Spectroscpoy
LEGIONELLA URINARY AG LEGUR Urine container 3.0 mL 1.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 87449 Negative Quest Sendout 1-3 days Enzyme IA
LEVETIRACETAM (KEPPRA) KEPPRA Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80299 dosage related mcg/mL Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
LIPASE LIP SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 83690 23-300 U/L MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Two-point rate
LIPID PANEL LIPID SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 3 Days Refrigerate No 80061 varies MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours varies
LIPOPROTEIN A-LP(A) LPA SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83695 <75 nmol/L Quest Sendout 1-3 days Immunoturbidimetric
LIPOPROTEIN FRACTIONATION LIPO SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL HCPC=82465,83701,84478 7 Days Refrigerate No 83716 See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days Colorimetric/Enzymatic
LITHIUM LI SST Plain Red 3.5 mL 1.5mL Provide date and time of last dose 24 Hours Refrigerate Yes 80178 0.6-1.2 therapeutic MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
LUTENIZING HORMONE LH SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83002 Sex Dependent mIU/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
LYME DISEASE TITER LYM SST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 4 Days Refrigerate No 86618 Negative Negative CMC Sendout 3-5 days Enzyme IA
LYME DNA BY PCR LYMPCR CSF/SYNOVIAL FLUID 1.0 mL 1.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 87801 Not Detected Quest Sendout 1-3 days Real Time-PCR
LYME WESTERN BLOT LYMWB2 SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Negative Quest Sendout 1-3 days Western Blot
MAGNESIUM MG SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 83735 1.6-2.3 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Colorimetric
MAGNESIUM, RBC MGRBC EDTA Royal blue with EDTA 5.0 mL 3.0 mL spin, remove plasma, send packed cells 4 Days Refrigerate No 83735 4.0-6.4 mg/dL Quest Sendout 7-10 days ICP/MS
MAGNESIUM, URINE MGU 24 hr urine Random Urine 10.0 mL from 24 hour urine 5.0mL from 24 hour urine Acidify urine 7 Days Refrigerate No 83735 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 5-7 days Atomic Absorption
MALARIA/ BEBESIA/OTHER BLOOD PARASITE SMEAR MALARIA EDTA 5.0 mL 3.0 mL ALSO SEND 4-6 THICK AND 4-6 THIN SMEARS Blood collection should be performed immediately upon first suspicion of malaria. Successive films at 6, 12, or 24 hours may be necessary. Less than one hour/unless smears are directly made Room Temperature No 87207 no Plasmodium species seen CMC Sendout 1-3 days Microscopic Examination
METANEPHRINES, PLASMA METP EDTA 5.0 mL 3.0 mL Spin and remove from cells within 2 hours It is preferable for the patient to be off medications for three days before collection. Patient should avoid tobacco, tea, coffee for three days before specimen collection. Common antihyperensives (diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, alpha and beta blockers) cause minimal or no interference. Medications which are alpha agonists (Aldomet), alpha blockers (Dibenzyline) should be avoided 18-24 hours before specimen collection. 7 Days Refrigerate 0 83835 See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
METANEPHRINES,FRACT-URINE METU 24 hr urine 10.0 mL from 24 hour urine 5.0mL from 24 hour urine acidify urine See above 7 Days Refrigerate No 83835 See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
METHYL MALONIC ACID MMA SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83921 87-318 nmol/L Quest Sendout 5-7 days Tandem Mass Spec.
MEXILETINE MEX Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Trough is preferred specimen 7 Days Refrigerate No 80299 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days Gas Chromatography
MICROABLUMIN/CREAT RATIO MIC Random urine 10.0 mL 1.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82043 <30.0 mg/L MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours Immunoturbidimetric
MICROALBUMIN,QUANT-URINE MICALB 24 hr urine 10.0 mL from 24 hour urine 5.0mL from 24 hour urine 7 Days Refrigerate No 82043 <30.0 mg/24 hr Quest Sendout 1-3 days Turbimetric
MISC CHEMISTRY SEND OUT-misc. testing is charged individually, call lab for charges and drawing requirements MISC
MONO TEST MONO SST EDTA 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 86308 Negative MCH Batched within 24hours Latex Agglutination
MRSA Screen by Amplified DNA PCR MRSAX Copan Liquid Stuart Swab (RED CAP) Nare is the only acceptable source 24 Hours Room Temperature No CMC 1-2 days
MTHFR GENE MUTATION MTHFR EDTA 5.0 mL 3.0 mL ship whole blood 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days Invader Assay/Signal Amp.
MUMPS IGM MUMM SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86735 <8 U/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Enzymatic IA
MUMPS TITER IGG) MUM SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86735 < or =0.90 Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
MURAMIDASE MURS SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Frozen No 85549 7.0-15.0 mcg/mL Quest Sendout 3-5 days Enzymatic IA
Myasthenia Gravis Panel 2 MYAS2X SST Plain Red 5.0 mL 2.5 mL Spin and separate serum within 2 hours of draw Includes Acetylcholine Receptor Blocking, Binding and Modulating Antibodies 14 Days Refrigerate No See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days
MYOGLOBIN,BLOOD MYO SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 83874 Sex Dependent ng/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours IA
MYOGLOBIN,SPOT URINE MYOGU Urine-Random 10.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Frozen No 83874 <28 mcg/L Quest Sendout 1-3 days Fixed Rate Nephelometry
N-T PRO B-TYPE NATIURETIC PEPTIDE BNPNT SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5mL 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 83880 Age Dependent pg/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24 hours IA
NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE AND CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS NGCTX Aptima® Unisex Swab Specimen Collection Kit (endocervical and male urethral) = 14 -30 days refrigerated, Preserved Urine in Aptima® Transport Medium = 30 days refrigerated, Unpreserved urine = store in the refrigerator; urine must be transferred into the Aptima® Specimen Transport within 24 hours of collection Refrigerate No Negative Quest Sendout 3-5 days
NEUTROPHIL CYTOPLASMIC AB ANCA SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Grossly hemolyzed, lipemic, or icteric samples are unacceptable. 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Negative titre Quest Sendout 5-7 days IA
NORPACE NORP Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80299 2.0-5.5 mcg/L Quest Sendout 5-7 days IA
NORTRIPTYLINE NORT Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Trough is preferred specimen 7 Days Refrigerate No 80182 50-150 ug/L Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
OCCULT BLOOD,STOOL SCREEN OBSTOOL kit stool stool 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 82270 Negative MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Colorimetric
OLIGOCLONAL BANDS-CSF OLIG Plain Red AND CSF 8.5 mL and CSF 3.5 mL and CSF Do not centrifuge CSF tube 5 Days Refrigerate No 83916 No Bands Quest Sendout 7-10 days Isoelectric Focusing
OSMOLALITY, BLOOD OSMO SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83930 280-300 mosmol Quest Sendout 1-3 days Freezing Point Depression
OSMOLALITY,URINE OSMOUR Urine-Random 10.0 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83935 300-1090 mosmol Quest Sendout 1-3 days Freezing Point Depression
Ova and Parasites, Stool Concentrate and Permanent Smear O&PX Para-Pak 10% Formalin (PINK), Para-Pak Zn-PVA Fixative (GREY) Place fresh stool in Para-Pak 10% formalin (PINK) transport vial, as well as PVA transport (GREY) medium or single Total-Fix® vial, within 30 minutes of collection. Add stool to bring the liquid level to the "fill to here" line on the vial. Mix well. Send specimen(s) at room temperature. 2 Months Room Temperature No Quest 10-15 days
OXALATES OXA 24 hr urine 5.0 mL from 24 hour urine 2.6 mL from 24 hour urine adjust pH Instructions: Patient should refrain from taking excessive amounts of Ascorbic Acid or Oxalate-rich foods (i.e., spinach, coffee, tea, chocolate, rhubard) for at least 48 hours before the collection period. 7 Days Refrigerate No 83945 3.6-38.0 mg/24 hr Quest Sendout 1-3 days Spectrophotometry
OXYCARBAZEPINE OXYCARB Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 83789 8.0-35.0 mcg/mL Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
Parasite Screen (Cryptosporidium & Giardia) PARASCX Para-Pak 10% Formalin (PINK) Clean Container Add stool to vial to bring the liquid level to the "Fill to Here" line. Mix contents thoroughly until homogenous. Suitable for patients who have not traveled outside the U.S. and are not immunocompromised. Not recommended for colonic washings. Stability: 24 hours in clean container, 2 months in Para-Pak 10% Formalin (PINK) Refrigerate, Room Temperature No CMC 1-2 days
PARATHYROID RELATED PROTEIN PTHRP Sodium Heparin 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Room Temp 7 Days Frozen No 83519 14-27 pg/mL Quest Sendout 7-10 days IA
Parathyroid Related Protein (PTH-RP) PTHRPX Sodium Heparin IMPORTANT: To be drawn at MCH lab only. Centrifuge the specimen as soon as possible. Transfer the plasma into the aliquot tube. 7 Days Refrigerate No Quest 5-7 days
PARVOVIRUS AB PANEL PARVO SST EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days Enzymatic IA
PERNICIOUS ANEMIA CASCADE PACAS SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA/Gas Chromotography MS
PHENOBARBITAL PHENOB Plain Red 3.5 mL 1.5 mL Provide date and time of last dose 4 Days Refrigerate No 80184 15-40 ug/mL CMC Sendout within 24 hours Immunoassay
PHOSPHOROUS, INORG-SERUM PHOS SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 84100 2.5-4.5 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Colorimetric
PLATELET COUNT ONLY PLT EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL may be refrigerated 24 Hours Room Temperature Yes 85049 130-400 MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Electronic Resistance
PLATELET FUNCTION ASSAY PFA 3.2 citrated blue top x 2 3.2 citrate blue top tube X2 3.2 citrate blue top tube X2 Must be collected at MCH Lab 4 Hours Room Temperature Yes 85576 See Report seconds MCH Upon Arrival within 4 hr Flow Adhesion/Aggregation
PORPHRYNS, 24 HR URINE PORU 24 hr Urine - No Preservative 5.0 mL from 24 hour urine 2.6 mL from 24 hour urine Protect from Light 7 Days Refrigerate No 84120 <2.4 mg/24 hr Quest Sendout 3-5 days Colorimetric
POTASSIUM, URINE RANDOM KUR Urine container 10.0 mL 2.0 mL 4 Days Refrigerate No 84133 No established reference range CMC Sendout within 24 hours Ion Specific Electrode
POTASSIUM,BLOOD K SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 4 Days Refrigerate Yes 84132 3.5-5.1 nmol/L CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24hours Potentiometric
PREALBUMIN PREALB SST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 84134 17.6-36.0 mg/dL CMC Sendout 3-5 days Blanked Endpoint
PRENATAL OBSTETRIC PANEL PNPRO EDTA and URINE, Pink, SST Full Tubes drawn. Full Urine container All tubes at least half filled. 10 mL Urine 5 Days Refrigerate No PANEL MCH varies all testing 3-5 days Multiple tests
PRIMIDONE PRIM Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80188 See Report mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
PROCAINAMIDE PROC Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Trough is preferred specimen 7 Days Refrigerate No 80192 See Report mg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
Procalcitonin PCT Lithium Heparin 3.0 mL centrifuged plasma is stable for 48 hours@refrigerated temperature in stoppered tube Yes see interpretion information in the accompanied report ng/mL MCH STAT at MCH within 1 hour
PROGESTERONE PROG SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 24 hours if left on gel, 7 days if seperated from SST Refrigerate No 84144 Sex Dependent ng/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
PROLACTIN TO QUEST PROLAC SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 84146 Sex Dependent ng/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
PROPFENONE PROP Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Draw sample 2-6 hours post oral dose. Hemolyzed or grossly lipemic will be rejected 7 Days Refrigerate No 80299 See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days LC/MS/MS
PROTEIN C ANTIGENIC PROCLEV Citrate X2 Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line Freeze platelet poor plasma immediately 7 Days Frozen No 85302 70-140 %of normal Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
PROTEIN C FUNCTIONAL PROCFUN Citrate X2 Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line Freeze platelet poor plasma immediately 7 Days Frozen No 85303 70-180 %of normal Quest Sendout 1-3 days Clotting Assay
PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS, RANDOM URINE UPEPR Urine container 25.0 mL 10.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-3 days Electrophoresis
PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS,BLOOD SPEP SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-3 days Electrophoresis
PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS,URINE UPEP 24 hr urine 25.0 mL from 24 hr urine 10.0 mL fom 24 hr urine 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 1-3 days Electrophoresis
PROTEIN S PROS Citrate X2 Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line Freeze platelet poor plasma immediately 7 Days Frozen No 85305 70-140 %of normal Quest Sendout 1-3 days Immunoturbidmetric
PROTEIN, TOTAL SERUM TP SST PST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 84155 6.3-8.2 g/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Colorimetric
PROTEIN, TOTAL URINE TPU 24 hr urine 10.0 mL from 24 hour urine 5.0mL from 24 hour urine 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 84156 42-225 mg/day MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Colorimetric
PROTEIN, TOTAL-CSF TPCSF CSF CSF CSF 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 84155 Dec-60 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 2 hours Colorimetric
PROTEIN, TOTAL-MISC FLUIDS TPFLD Fluid in Plain Red 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 84155 no range established MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Colorimetric
PROTEINASE-3 AB P3 AB SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Patient must be fasting 7 Days Refrigerate No 86021 no AB detected Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
PROZAC (PANEL) PROZ Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 5 Days Refrigerate No 83789 300-1150 mcg/L Quest Sendout 7-10 days LC/MS/MS
PSA SCREENING PSAS SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 2 Days Refrigerate No G0103 Age Dependent CMC Sendout within 24hours IA
PSA,PROGNOSTIC PSAP SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 2 Days Refrigerate No 84153 Age Dependent CMC Sendout within 24hours IA
PSA,TOTAL AND FREE PSAF SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL FROZEN ASAP Hemolyzed or grossly lipemic will be rejected 7 Days Frozen No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
PT (PROTHROMBIN TIME) PT Citrate Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line dedicated blue top tube 24 Hours Room Temperature Yes 85610 9.7-11.4 seconds CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24 hours Optical Detection
PT GENE MUTATION 20210 PTMUT EDTA Sodium Heparin 8.0 mL whole blood 5.0 mL whole blood 7 Days Room Temperature No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days Invader Assay/Signal Amp.
PT/PTT PANEL PT/PTT Citrate PT/PTT PANEL IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE TO ORDER; PLEASE ORDER PT OR PTT TEST INDIVIDUALLY 4 Hours, Due to limited stability, this test should be drawn at MCH LAB Room Temperature No varies MCH Upon Arrival within 4 hr Optical Detection
PTT (PARTAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME) PTT Citrate Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line submit 1 dedicated blue top tube 4 Hours, Due to limited stability, this test should be drawn at MCH LAB Room Temperature Yes 85730 21.5-30.8 seconds CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24 hours Optical Detection
QUINIDINE QUIN Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Trough is preferred specimen 7 Days Refrigerate No 80194 2.0-5.0 mg/L Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
RAST (PER ALLERGEN) RAST SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 8.5 mL 1 SST FOR EVERY 10 ALLERGENS 7 Days Refrigerate No 86003 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days Radioallergosorbent
RENAL FUNCTION PANEL RENAL SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 80069 varies CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24hours Multiple
RENIN, PLASMA RENIN EDTA 5.0 mL 3.0 mL Plasma must be frozen within 15 minutes 7 Days Refrigerate No 84244 0.25-5.82 ng/mL/h Quest Sendout 5-7 days LC/MS/MS
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Antigen, DFA, for patient >= 20 years old VCM Medium (Green Cap) nasopharyngeal swab in VCM medium (green-cap) tube To maintain optimum viability, place swab into VCM and transport the specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible. Best recovery is obtained when the specimens are refrigerated at 2-8° C. Refrigerate Yes Quest
Respiratory syncytial Virus (RSV) by EIA, < 20 years old RSV BD BBL CultureSwab Liquid Stuart (GREEN CAP) RSV testing will be performed at MCH if patient is less than 20 years old. Freshly collected specimens should be processed within 1 hour. If necessary, specimens may be stored at 2–8 °C for up to 72 hours. Yes MCH same day
RETICULOCYTES, AUTO RETICA EDTA 5.0 mL 2.0 mL 8 Hours Room Temperature Yes 85046 0.8-2.1 MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours sysmex Flow
RHEMATOID FACTOR RF SST EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86431 See Report Negative Quest Sendout 3-5 days Latex Agglutination
Rickettsial Disease Panel RICKETX SST 5 mL 2.5 mL Refrigerate No Quest 7-10 days
RISTOCETIN CO FACTOR RISTO Citrate Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line 7 Days Frozen No 85245 42-200 %of normal Quest Sendout 1-3 days Platelet Agglutination
ROTAVIRUS AG, STOOL ROTA Stool stool stool 7 Days Refrigerate No 87425 Not Detected Quest Sendout 3-5 days Enzymatic IA
Routine Surgical Specimens Pre-filled formalin container or specimen bucket For specimens received fresh: add formalin to completely cover specimen (15:1 ratio is ideal). For large specimens or specimens that float: after adding formalin to the container, place a wyall over the top of the specimen so it absorbs formalin. This will ensure the specimen doesn't dry out. Room Temperature No CMC
RPR RPR SST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 5 Days Refrigerate No 86592 nonreactive MCH Batched 3-5 days Flocculation
RUBELLA RUB SST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 4 Days Refrigerate No 86762 Expected Value : Immune CMC Sendout 3-5 days IA
RUBELLA-IGM RUBIGM SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86762 < or = 0.90 Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
RUBEOLA AB,QUANT RUBEOL SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86765 < or = 0.90 Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
SALICYLATE SAL SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 80196 < 20 mg/dL MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Colorimetric
SARS-CoV2-2 Serology (COVID-19) Antibody (IgG) SST 5.0 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No Quest Immunoassay
SCL-70 AB SCL70 SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Hemolyzed or grossly lipemic will be rejected 7 Days Refrigerate No 86235 < 1.0 AI Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
SED RATE SED EDTA dedicated tube EDTA dedicated tube 5.0 mL 2.0 mL Stable for 24 hrs EDTA refrigerated; ONLY 4 hrs if at room temp EDTA dedicated tube 24 hours refrigerated Refrigerate Yes 85651 Age Dependent mm/hr CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24hours Westergren
SELENIUM SELEN Royal Blue Serum 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 84255 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 3-5 days Atomic Spectrometry
SEMEN ANALYSIS FERTIL Clean Container NO LONGER AVAILABLE TO ORDER 2 Hours Keep Warm but not above body temp No MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Microscopy
SEMEN EXAM,POST VAS PV Clean Container semen semen MUST be delivered before 11:3O am. Can only be accepted M-F 2 Hours Keep Warm but not above body temp No 89321 None Seen MCH Upon Arrival within 2 hours Microscopy
SERTRALINE SERT Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL separate serum/plasma 7 Days Refrigerate No 80299 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days Gas Chromotography
SIROLIMUS SIRO EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL Optimal time to draw specimen is 1/2 to 1 hour before next oral dose. 7 Days Refrigerate No 80195 trough 3.0-18.0 ng/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days LC/MS/MS
SJOGREN’S ANTIBODIES (PANEL) SJO SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86235X2 < 1.0 AI Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
SM/RNP ANTIBODIES ENA SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL < 1.0 AI Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
SODIUM,BLOOD NA SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 4 Days Refrigerate Yes 84295 136-145 mmol/L CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH, Upon Arrival within 24hours Potentiometric
SODIUM,URINE (RANDOM COLLECTION) NAUR Random urine frozen = 6 months, refrigerated = 7 days, room temperature = 24 hours Refrigerate Yes No established reference range MCH within 1 hour Potentiometric
SOMATOMEDIN C (IGF) IGF SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Hemolyzed, moderately icteric or grossly lipemic will be rejected 7 Days Refrigerate No 84305 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days LC/MS/MS
STONE ANALYSIS STONE Stone in clean container stone stone 7 Days Room Temperature No 82365 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days varies
STOOL,WBC SMEAR WBCSTL Clean Container stool stool 24 Hours Refrigerate No 87205 None Seen MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Microscopy
Strep Group A, Rapid only RST Copan Liquid Stuart Swab (RED CAP) Testing should ideally be performed immediately after the specimens have been collected. Swab specimens may be stored for up to 8 hours at room temperature or 48 hours at 2–8 °C. For optimal performance, collect the throat swab (2 swab collection swab). Swab the posterior pharynx, tonsils and other inflamed areas. Excess blood or mucus on the swab specimen may interfere with test performance. Avoid touching the tongue, cheeks and teeth and any bleeding areas of the mouth with the swab when collecting specimens. Room Temperature Yes MCH same day
T UPTAKE TUP SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 84479 22-35 % Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
T-SPOT®.TB (Tuberculosis Screening) TSPOTX Lithium Heparin 9 mL (GREEN) 9 mL MUST be drawn at MCH lab; M-F 7AM to 5PM; No draws after 5pm or on Holidays Room Temperature No 86481 NEGATIVE Oxford Laboratories 3-5 days
T3 REVERSE T3R SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 5 Days Refrigerate No 84482 Sex Dependent Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
T3,FREE FT3 SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 84481 Age Dependent pg/mL CMC Sendout 1-3 days IA
T3,TOTAL TT3 SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 48 hours Refrigerate No 84480 60 - 181 ng/dL CMC Sendout within 24hours Competitive Immunoassay
T4,FREE FT4 SST PST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 4 Days Refrigerate Yes 84439 age dependent ng/dL CMC Sendout within 24hours Competitive Immunoassay
T4,TOTAL TT4 SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 5 Days Refrigerate No 84436 4.5-12.0 mcg/dL CMC Sendout 1-3 days IA
TACROLIMUS TACRO EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL Drug regimens, time and date of drug administration are to be noted on requisition. 7 Days Refrigerate No 80197 trough 5.0-20.0 ng/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days LC/MS/MS
TEGRETOL (CARBAMAZEPINE) TEG SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL Provide date and time of last dose 5 Days Refrigerate Yes 80156 4.0-12.0 ug/mL CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24hours Multiple point immuno rate
TESTOSTERONE, FREE, BIOAVAILABLE AND TOTAL TESBIOA Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Hemolyzed will be rejected 5 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Age Dependent pg/mL Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL TEST SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 84403 Age Dependent ng/dL CMC Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL AND FREE TESF Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL Age Dependent ng/dL Quest Sendout 5-7 days LC/MS/MS
THEOPHYLLINE THEO SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL Provide date and time of last dose 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 80198 10.0-20.0 ug/mL CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24hours Two-point rate
THORAZINE (CHLORPROMAZINE) THORA Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 84022 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days Gas Chromotography
THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODIES THYGLO SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86800 <20 IU/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
THYROGLOBULIN, TOTAL THYROG SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 84432 <0.05 ng/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Chemiluminescent IA
THYROID ANTIBODY PANEL THYAB SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86800 86376 See Report IU/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
THYROID PEROXIDASE AB THYPER SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86376 <35 IU/mL Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
THYROID PROFILE (FT4,TSH) THY SST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL Thyroid panel is no longer available to order. Please order TSH or FT4 seperately 7 Days Refrigerate No varies MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours
Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) TSIG SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Hemolyzed, moderately icteric or grossly lipemic will be rejected 7 Days Refrigerate No 84445 <140 %of baseline Quest Sendout 3-5 days IA
TICK IDENTIFICATION TICK Tick tick tick arthropod in container with 70% alcohol soaked pad Appropriate for Ticks and other arthropods Indefinite Room Temperature 0 87168 See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days Microscopy
TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE AB TISTR SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Centrifuge within one hour of collection 7 Days Refrigerate No 83516 See Report Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
TOBRAMYCIN-PEAK TOBP Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80200 5.0-10.0 mg/L Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
TOBRAMYCIN-TROUGH TOBTR Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80200 1.0-2.0 mg/L Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
TOPIRIMATE TOP Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80201 See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days LC/MS/MS
TOXICOLOGY SCREEN, URINE UTOX Random urine 10.0 mL 1.0 mL Designed to test for toxic levels, not appropriate for therapeutic or pain management monitoring Call 1-877-40 RX TOX (1-877-407-9869) to obtain correct order code for monitoring a specific patient on pain medications. 5 Days Refrigerate Yes PANEL See Report MCH Upon Arrival within 2 hours varies
TOXOPLASMA AB (IGG) TOXOG SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 86777 < or = 0.90 Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
TOXOPLASMA AB (IGM) TOXOM SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL This test should only beordered on patients who have already had Toxoplasma IgGtesting performed, and whose immune status is known. Ifacute infection is suspected, the specimens should betested for the presence of both IgG and IgM antibodies. 7 Days Refrigerate No 86778 Negative Quest Sendout 1-3 days Enzyme IA
Transferrin TRANSFX SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days No 84466 CMC 1-2 days
TRAZADONE TRAZA Plain Red EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 80299 See Report Quest Sendout 10-15 days LC/MS/MS
TRIGLYCERIDE TRIG SST PST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 4 Days Refrigerate No 84478 <150 mg/dL CMC Sendout within 24hours Colorimetric
TRILAFON (PERPHENAZINE) TRIL EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL 7 Days Room Temperature No 84022 See Report ng/mL Quest Sendout 7-10 days Gas Chromotography
TRYPTASE TRYPT SST Plain Red 5.0 mL 2.5 mL When sample is drawn, separate serum from cells within 3 hours of collection. Samples should be obtained between 15 minutes and 3 hours after the event suspected of causing mast cell activation. Frozen after separation No 83520 <11 mcg/L mcg/L Quest Sendout 5-7 days Immunoassay
TRYPTOPHAN TRYPTO Sodium Heparin EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL Separate plasma immediately Collect plasma specimens after an overnight fast (or at least 4 hours after a meal). Nonfasting samples are acceptable for pediatric patients. 7 Days Frozen No 82131 Age Dependent umol/L Quest Sendout 10-15 days LC/MS/MS
TSH TSH SST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 4 Days Refrigerate Yes 84443 047-4.68 mIU/mL CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24hours Immunometric
URIC ACID URIC SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 4 Days Refrigerate Yes 84550 Sex Dependent mg/dL CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24hours Colorimetric
URIC ACID,URINE URICUR 24 hr urine 10.0 mL from 24 hour urine 5.0mL from 24 hour urine 7 Days Refrigerate No 84560 Sex Dependent mg/24 hr CMC Sendout within 24 hours Spectrophotometry
URINALYSIS UA Random urine 10.0 mL 1.0 mL 24 Hours Refrigerate Yes 81003 varies CMC, MCH Routine at CMC; STAT at MCH within 24hours Colorimetric/Microscopy
VALPROIC ACID VAL SST PST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL Provide date and time of last dose 7 Days Refrigerate Yes 80164 50-120 ug/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Two-point rate
VANCOMYCIN- PEAK VANCO P SST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 80202 18-40 ug/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Two-point rate
VANCOMYCIN- TROUGH VANC T SST 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 80202 10 --- 20 ug/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Two-point rate
VANCOMYCIN-RANDOM VANC SST EDTA plasma, Plain Red 3.5 mL 1.5 mL 3 Days Refrigerate Yes 80202 ug/mL MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Two-point rate
VAP CHOLESTEROL PANEL VAP SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days Ultracentrifugation
VARICELLA ZOSTER IGG VZG SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Hemolyzed will be rejected 7 Days Refrigerate No 86787 < or = 0.90 Quest Sendout 1-3 days IA
VARICELLA ZOSTER IGM VZM SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Hemolyzed will be rejected 7 Days Refrigerate No 86787 < or = 0.90 Quest Sendout 1-3 days Enzyme IA
VDRL(CSF ONLY) VDRLCSF CSF CSF CSF Transport at Room Temperature unacceptable 7 Days Refrigerate 0 86592 nonreactive Quest Sendout 1-3 days Flocculation
VISCOSITY VISC SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Centrifuge within one hour of collection 7 Days Refrigerate No 85810 1.5-1.9 Quest Sendout 1-3 days Kinematic Viscometer
VIT B12 B12 SST EDTA plasma, PST 3.5 mL 0.5 mL No longer than 8 hrs@RT, 48 hrs@Refrig, beyond 48 hrs freeze 48 Hours Refrigerated Refrigerated No 82607 239-931 pg/mL CMC Sendout within 24hours Competitive Immunoassay
VITAMIN A VITA SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Protect from Light Will be rejected if not protected from light 7 Days Refrigerate No 84590 Age Dependent ug/dL Quest Sendout 3-5 days HPLC
VITAMIN B1, THIAMINE, WHOLE BLOOD VITB1 EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL Wrap tube in aluminum foil to protect from light. Freeze immediately. Will be rejected if not protected from light. Must submit a separate tube from CBC. Can't be shared with other tests. 7 Days Frozen No 84425 78 - 185 nmol/L Quest Sendout 5-7 days HPLC
VITAMIN B6 VITB6 EDTA 4.5 mL 2.0 mL Protect from Light Will be rejected if not protected from light and transported frozen 7 Days Frozen 0 84207 Age Dependent ng/mL Quest Sendout 5-7 days LC/MS/MS
VITAMIN C VITC SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Overnight fasting is preferred. Protectsample from light. Patient should refrain from takingvitamin C supplements or fruits 24 hours before samplecollection. Will be rejected if not protected from light 7 Days Frozen No 82180 See Report Quest Sendout 7-10 days Capillary Electrophoresis
VITAMIN D (25 HYDROXY) Total VIT D T SST 5.0 mL 2.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No 82306 30.0-100.0 ng/mL CMC Sendout 1-2 days Competitive Immunoassay
VITAMIN D 1,25 OH VITD125 SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL miminum vol 1.1 mL serum Hemolyzed, moderately icteric or grossly lipemic will be rejected 7 Days Refrigerate No 82652 Age Dependent pg/mL Quest Sendout 5-7 days LC/MS/MS
VITAMIN D-25OH VITD25O SST 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Overnight fasting is preferred. 7 Days Refrigerate No 82306 100-300 ng/mL CMC Sendout 5-7 days LC/MS/MS
VITAMIN E VITE SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Overnight fasting is preferred. Protect from light. Will be rejected if not protected from light 7 Days Refrigerate No 84446 Age Dependent mg/L Quest Sendout 5-7 days HPLC
VMA,URINE VMA 24 hr Urine - No Preservative 10.0 mL from 24 hour urine 5.0mL from 24 hour urine Lab to acidify urine after collection Instructions: It is preferable for the patient to be off medications for 3 days before specimen collection. However, common antihypertensives (diuretics, ACEinhibitors, calcium channel blockers, alpha and betablockers) cause minimal or no interference. Patients should avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco (including useof nicotine patch), bananas, citrus fruits, and strenuous exercise before collection. 7 Days Room Temperature Yes 84585 Age Dependent g/24hr Quest Sendout 3-5 days HPLC
VON WILLEBRAND’S PANEL VWPNL Citrate Draw to top of tube fill line Draw to top of tube fill line Separate platelet poor plasma within one hour of collection Platelet poor plasma must be frozen into two separate tubes then frozen 7 Days Frozen No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 5-7 days varies
WEST NILE VIRUS PANEL WVNPAN SST Plain Red 8.5 mL 3.5 mL 7 Days Refrigerate No PANEL See Report Quest Sendout 3-5 days ELISA
WET PREP R/O YEAST,TRICH WET Copan ESwab (White Cap) Transport at room temperature to lab ASAP IMPORTANT: must collect dedicated swab; cannot share swab with other culture 72 hours Room Temperature Yes 87210 None Seen MCH Upon Arrival within 24hours Microscopy
ZINC PROTOPORPHRYN ZNPR Royal Blue EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Separate Plasma into amber tube Will be rejected if not protected from light 7 Days Refrigerate No 84202 < 100 mcg/dL Quest Sendout 1-3 days Hematofluorometry
ZINC, BLOOD ZN Royal Blue EDTA 8.5 mL 3.5 mL Separate Plasma into amber tube Will be rejected if not protected from light 7 Days Refrigerate No 84630 Age Dependent Quest Sendout 3-5 days Atomic Spectrometry