b'FINANCIAL STATEMENTconsolidated statementof revenues and expensesFiscal year ending September 30:REVENUES2020Billed for services to our patients . $143,887,000Government reimbursement for Medicaid shortfall and the uninsured .$4,325,000Other operating revenues .$13,079,000 Gross Revenue$161,291,000Less: Amounts billed but not receivedGovernment and commercial contractual agreements .$68,896,000Patients unable to pay .$1,344,000Provisions for bad debt .$4,781,000 Net Revenue. $86,270,000 COSTS Our costs included amounts:To pay our employees and physicians $43,625,000To pay our suppliers and vendors$33,684,000To fund depreciation and pay interest on debt .$5,368,000To pay NH Medicaid Enhancement Tax .$4,092,000Total Costs . $86,769,000 Net loss from operations .($499,000) MCH provided $19,077,000 ofsupport to ourcommunity in 2020 PUBLIC PROGRAMS $8,186,000COMMUNITY HEALTHCHARITY CARE $847,000 PROGRAMS $402,000IN-KIND DONATIONS $253,000SUBSIDIZED HEALTH SERVICES $9,389,00020'